What If your ex says this to you? (stolen from Banging Yongguk)


i em just bored, so lets try this xD even though im not in a relationship yet... lets try trolling this thing here... xDDDD, since im trolling.. lets say i hate the dude and he said that he doesnt like me xDD hehe~ trolling STARTS NOW! XD
1.Hi! How are you? We haven't talked for a while
- dude shut up, i thought u said u dont wanna talk and see me anymore =_="?
2. You wana hangout with my peeps and I?
- no .__.
3. I LOVE U..
-  i think u ate someting rotten? or (for hetalia fans i know u can get this, or if u watched the anime hetalia) did u just ate english food..?
4. Do you want some cookie?
- no thanks, u might have put some poison in it .__.
5. Let's take a photo together?
- when i die and i came to hunt u, sure =^.^= <-- le innocent smile with evil emotions
6. Help me with my homework?
-  Google is there to help you, so go and freaking use the net .__.
7. Here's my gift for you...
- ummm... what's in here..? is it my bias..? xDDD
8. Let's just text, arasso?
- where the freaking heck did u learned that word..? and i dont like texting >.>
9. Want me to buy you an iPod?
- i already have one .__.
10.Let's sit together in the bus later?
- no thanks, i'd rather sit with pokerfaced Japan .__. (Japan from Hetalia xD)
11. Hi baby!
- ..... Im not a baby! =___= 
Post this as..
What if your ex says this to you?
HOPE U GUYS FIND THAT FUNNY.. coz im not good at trolling >.>...
sorry guys... well hope u did enjoy reading it >.>


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Lol xD I would've said the same thing for 6.
lol funny replies that you have :P