How normal Am I? (stolen from Banging Yongguk)


Put an X in each box if you have done it.
[ ] you have farted in public , noticed or unnoticed.
[ ] you have had at least 5 crushes so far. 
[ ] you have got into a physical fight at least once.
[ ] you know more than 10 abusive words.
[ ] you imagine things about the person you love or like.
[X] you visit the bathroom as soon as you wake up. (LOL OF COURSE)
[X] you feel too lazy to brush your teeth when you wake up, but you still brush your teeth. (OF COURSE COZ YA NEED TO!)
[ ] you have ed about people many times.
[X] you watch a movie at least once in a month. (I watch anime and k-dramas .__.)
[ ] you just can not survive without your phone and your internet.
[X] you have one or more best friend(s) (YEAH XD)
[X] you have failed in a test at least once. (MATH =___="")
[X] you have a brain. (OF COURSE!! EVERYONE DOES!)
[  ] you have picked your nose in public at least once.
[X] you don't repeat your underwear for more than two days. (if u do repeat it.. thats kinda uhh e.e")
[X] you are finding this note really boring. (yeah.. >.>)
Number of Xs: 8
if you have 16 X’s , then your 100% normal.
if you have less than 10 X’s , somethings wrong with you.
if you have less than 5 X’s , then you are weird.
YEAH THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME XD i mean dude... im weird >.> 


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Hehe I got 15 xs then does that count as Normal?