

Hello :P


Well, after staying up all night, and making Christmas cupcakes with my bf, watching him go to work, I suddenly have inspiration. Seriously? Almost done with my second Zelo, so this should be amusing. The one for Jong-Up is almost done but I have to get his personality better. Himchan is just becoming difficult. I got nothin on Youngjae, Daehyun is at a stand still, YoungGuk hasn't been started and my GD one is still on first page. But I have the sequel mapped out O.o I already made a friend so I'm happy. Plus today I go to the candy store! I trying to get something done before Christmas, so I might get the Zelo up today, depends when bf gets off, have stuff to do today! ...And I have a headache -_-; 


Btw I have three Fire Belly Toads so they will appear frequently in blogs, they're so adorable! But atm they are trying to escape their carrying container. <3


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