Bias Survey

Ok survey time this time it's you and your bias. So there's 3 parts, what if scenarios, simple personality stuff and putting yourself in their shoes.


1. Name of your bias? (Stage or real)

Kim (ing) Heechul

2. Age?

Twenty-nine (29)

3. Age difference between you and them?

Eleven (11) years... Sad isn't it?

4. Favourite physical trait of your bias?

His eyes... His lips... His face... Do I have to really choose one?

5. Favourite characteristic trait?

His 4D attitude, his self confidence, how he doesn't let anyone talk bad about his friends, and his humor... I can't pick just one...

6. Are they taller or shorter than you?

Only six inches taller than me

7. Have they ever cross dressed before?

... It's Kim Heechul... That's a stupid question - of course he has! People thought he was a girl!

8. Do they smoke or drink?

He used to smoke, but he stopped. He does drink though, just not excessively.

9. Describe their build

Hmm... Heechul is not super skinny. He's slim, I would say, but he does have some fat (in healthy amounts). He has soft abs - not heavily defined, but they're there. He has milky-white skin (^.^). I would describe his face, but if you know Heechul, how could you forget what his face looks like? You don't need me to tell you.

10. Their favourite colour is?

To quote him "Blood color". I assume he means red.

11. Do they have siblings?

Yes, he does. He has an older sister named Kim Heejin

12. If you could buy them anything as a gift what would it be?

That's a tough question. I'm not entirely sure what he would like; I mean what he loves the most would be himself and his cats. Maybe a nice mirror. ^.^ But honestly, it would have to be something unique so it would fit him well. Something unique and special. It wouldn't be something I would buy, but make. Or, something that I would give him, is simply my attention. I'd be a listener, a shoulder to cry/lean on, and just a friend, someone he can open up to. That's what he needs in my opinion.


What would your reaction be if:

13. You heard they were in an accident?

Well, he was in an accident. Though, I wasn't a huge fan of Super Junior or Heechul at the time of the accident. Everytime I think about it or read something about the accident, I always tear up and my heart goes out to him. Not just because he was injured and had to have rods put into his legs, but because of the fact that he had to get stiches on his tongue since he was biting it so hard so he wouldn't cry on camera. That's what makes me cry my eyes out. My poor, STRONG Heenim T_T

14. They got a piercing/ tattoo?

Hmm... My first reaction would be, "Would you show me? ;) " But, otherwise, I think it would be cool. I would approve of it since I have a few piercings and I want to get a tattoo or two. I mean, it's his body, he can do whatever the he wants. Then again, he could do whatever he wants to because he's Kim ing Heechul ^.^

15. Had a comeback on your birthday?

I wouldn't think it would be a big thing, because my birthday is only a day after his. I might live in a delusion and be pretty damn happy, but alas, I shouldn't be lol

16. Found they got pregnant/got a girl pregnant?

Hmm... Well, he is almost thirty. It would be crazy for me to think he doesn't have a little fun. It's very possible something might happen and the girl becomes pregnant. At first, I would be sad, cause every fangirl pictures herself with her bias afterall. But then, I would support him and be worried for him. It's his life; he makes his own choices - and this is why I would stand by him and support him. But, I would be worried about the girl trying to take advantage of him because she has his baby. Heechul doesn't deserve something like that.

17. Got kicked out of their company?

I'm not entirely sure how I would feel about that. It all depends on why, what happened, and the outcome. But either way, I'll still be a Petal.

18. They were involved in a legal dispute?

I would still be loyal to him. Of course, I would have to know as many of the facts as I could about the issue. But, like I said, I would stand by his side.

19. Beat someone up?

... Verbally, yes, I could believe that. I mean, he has done those kind of things to fans you dissed his friends. I would be surprised if he got into a physical fight, but at the same time, I could see it happening.

20. Had a habit you couldn't stand?

... I don't think he could have too bad of a habit that I couldn't stand. I mean, it's Kim Heechul - he's too amazing lol. I'm very good with dealing with like that - I mean I'm used to people smoking and drinking around me, and it's nothing to me. Now, if it's a habit that is bad for his health, I would definitely... persuade him to quit.


If you were your bias?

21. Would you date a fan?

Tricky question. I would give them a shot, but I would be very cautious and weary of them. Many fans would date an idol because they love them and truly care about them, but there are some that just want to date an idol for the sake of dating an idol. Also, I would be worried that a fan that loves me, loves me in just an idol way and they don't realize that.

22. Have a solo album?

Of course! People underestimate his singing ablities and point out his flaws a lot. But, he has an amazing voice! I love listening to his solo songs and he should definitely try a solo album if he could.

23. Quit music and do acting?

Well, not quit music. I mean, Heechul is a great singer. But, he's also a good performer and actor, so, if he wishes, he could do a lot of acting on the side.

24. Kiss a fan on the lips cheek?

On the cheek? Sure, why not. One, it's a greeting in many cultures and countries. Two, it's a way of showing someone that you consider them a friend. And you want your fans to think they're your friends. And besides, it's Kim Heechul. He kisses all s on the lips anyway.

25. Date another kpop star?

Sure, why not? It doesn't matter if they're a K-pop star or a fan, if you like someone, you like them. Love is love. It's as simple as that


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The mirror part, omf. So accurate.
And oh I did this survey too... On the same person hehehehe :)))