*slaps self*

So, I've had a lot of my presents for my friends and family for a few months now. I started wrapping a lot of them tonight... and realized...

I lost two of my sister's presents! >~< 

Now idk what I'm going to do.

I could tear the house apart.

Or I could just make an "IOU" (but those get annoying fast)



On an unrelated note! I posted a pic of my chihuahua in my jacket on instagram and it quickly garnered 9 likes! *surprised* >_<<3


Alright, I guess I should start hunting down those presents... *sighs*

Love and peace!



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Wow, so unexpected! What did you got for your sister?
Good luck at present hunting!!!
ButterflyShida #3
Try to find it.... Good Luck!!! XD
Ahh that :(( but maybe if you think about it really really hard, you can think of the place you put them? Most of the time when I lose things, they're in super obvious places >< I'm sure you can find them again :)
D; That happened to me too, I know your feel. ;8;
Issokeh. My things tend to have legs sometimes too. }: