What I live by:

Inner strength. Even the most fragile person has it within them.

The key is to never give up. Always keep your head held high & dust off your knees.

There's a path in front of all of us, that might have bumps & cracks & crazy obstacles but you just have to keep pushing through it all.

Someone told me a couple days ago: "Always smile. Because when you smile, people are going to want to smile with you. In the end, you're day will just be better. So even when you feel like crying, smile. It'll make a bad day worth it." The guy who told me was 44, he's a coworker who's been through some rough stuff.

The reason he told me was because I asked him "William, why do you always have a smile on your face? Sometimes you just smile at the coke your drinking. It's creepy..." I was kidding with him, obviously. He's a very energetic person & I felt like messing with him.

But ever since he told me that it inspired me.

There's always been a song I cry to or just lay in my bed upset listening to "A-Yo" by SHINee. It's my rock. But now, even William's words are a rock to me.

Just my rant cause I felt a little bad from what I was told today, just because they're prejudice. Gah, I hate prejudice people. The ignorance -.-


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