Random Survey of Random Awesome~~~

The Basics:
Name: Tiffany Choi
Age: 21
School: Stalker: Molla~~~~
Nationality: Korean~~~~ WOOO 한국인 빠이팅!!!!!! ^ㅂ^
Hobbies: Singing, Piano, Dancing, Sleeping, Violin, Track, Viola, Tennis, Art~~~~

Love Life:
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yeah <33
Do you like someone?: Yes
Does anyone like you?: Yes
Have you ever kissed anyone?: Yeah...
Hugged anyone in the past week?: Yes lol

Who is your best friend?: The beautiful Jessica Yoo~~~ (ImSiwansaranghae)
Where did you meet them?: At the airport in Korea xDDD We happened to go to the same Middle School~~
Did you lose any friends this year?: Yeah, a lot xP
Gain any?: OH YEAH yes
Meet a special friend?: Yeah his name is Michael Kwon~~~~
Did you hang out with any friends in the past week?: Yee.

New Years Eve
Did you do anything at midnight?: Drink cider xD
Who did you spend it with?: Family and Friends~~
Did you have any resolutions?: no...

Valentines Day
Did you have a Valentine?: Yeaahhhh~
Did you send out any cards/chocolates/etc?: To like five people xD
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend on this day?: Yeah~

Did you go on vacation?: Yeah
Did you hang out on the beach with friends?: Yeah, xD cousins? Jeju~~~
How long was your summer break?: Few weeks ㅠㅠㅠ
Did you get a tan?: Slight no not really...
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend during the summer?: Yeah

Did you go trick or treating?: No
If so, who did you go with?: lol no
Did you dress up?: YEAH! As the Chicken from Hello Baby. TaeMin FTW!!!
Was it fun?: no, i had to work on my TaeMin portrait ㅠㅠㅠ

Who did you spend it with?: Family and friends
Did Santa come to your house?: FOSHO!
Did you stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve?: Yeah

Your Birthday
Who did you spend it with?: Friends
What did you do?: Mall~
What did you get?: SHINee, f(x), ZE:A, B2ST stuff
When is it?: September 6 (Like MinWoo ^^) [technically 5...]

Have You Ever: (Yes or No)
Kissed someone: Yes
Hugged someone: Yes
Electricuted yourself: No
Climbed more than 60 feet: Yes (don't ask)
Made a Youtube video: No
Lied to a loved one: Yes
Had a nosebleed: Yes
Gotten airsick: Yes
Been so bored, you just ate food: No
Not brushed your teeth for a day: No
Not showered for a day: No
Drank alchohol: Yes (never will I again, it tastes so bad xP )
Smoked: No
Tried drugs: No
Had a pet: Yes
Ran a marathon: Yes
Had a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes

5 Do’s
1. Do you play any instruments?: Yes
2. Do you play any sports?: Yes
3. Do you believe in 2012?: No
4. Do you like cheese?: No
5. Do you honestly like Obama?: No

4 If’s
1. If you get $1 Million for breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, would you?: No <3333
2. If you were to get $50,000 for killing a rat, would you?: Yes xD
3. If you were to choose between your best friend and your brother/sister, who would you choose?: Bro, sorry Jess~~~ :D
4. If you were to choose between coke/pepsi or sprite/7up, which would you choose?: sprite/7up

3 How’s
1. How old do you want to be when you get married?: Late 20's
2. How many siblings do you have?: 3
3. How did your last Christmas go?: Ehh...

2 When’s
1. When did you have your first kiss?: In my freshmen year of highschool in P.E. when some dude tripped on me. (I hate you Kevin Im :P )
2. When did you last have a piece of cake?: Idr...

1 What
1. What would you say if the guy/girl you like right now kissed you?: idk xD


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xenosfive422 #1
ImSiwansaranghae #2
HEY! what's the big idea meng?!? Kevin and Wilbur are despicable children. well that's all cool bro, I choose Hyunnie over you xD little bros FTW