Application for A-Jinx


  • Application form


    Contact Information <3~

  • AFF Username:BRee_22
  • AFF Profile Link:
  • E-mail:[email protected]
  • Activeness:everyday but when busy only 2-3 times a week
  • Which group you applied to?? :A-Jinx
  • Character Information <3~

  • Name:Skylar Lee/Lee Jin Hye
  • Gender :female
  • Nickname: Sky,Skyby,Skylie,Jin,Jinjin,Jinnie,ERO JINNIE
  • Age: 17(international)18(korean)
  • D.O.B: 22/06
  • Height : [173
  • Weight: 54
  • Blood Type:AB
  • Enthnicty: half japanese,half korean
  • Language(s): korean,japanese,english,mandarin,malay,thai

Hometown: LA,California

  • Appearance:Lee Da Som(
  • Style: cute,y and bad ,likes to wear off shoulger tops and tops that shows off her tummy,likes to wear shorts and sometimes ripped jeans,likes to wear caps,hightops/converse
  • Personality: She is very down to earth,caring,lovable and understanding daughter/Dongsaeng.She is very hard working and she always wants her family to be proud of her.Her personality can warm up everyones hearts.She doesnt really like to boast thats why she hates those kind of people.But when you get on her bad side you should run!!!Even though she has a sweet personality she doesnt like people to look down on her or thinks highly on themswelves.Thats why when she has a bad temper she always brings her sketchpad & ipod to let her anger cool off.When she was little she would always want to be like her father a well known music producer.But there is a part of her personality that her parents doesnt know.......she is a wild party girl at night^^She really loves her coke.Sky is a very cheeky and straight forward person.She can be annoying at times but she's really a happy go lucky girl.She is very kind and friendly.She is always there if you need help.She can give really good avice and she is a good listener.She can be like one of the boys because she is the only girl out of three siblings.She is also vey talented.She can be really sweet towards her family and friends.You can easily get close to her because she is very friendly.And she really hates it if people touches her coke.She has a collection of caps and high tops but mostly books because she loves to read.She is like a bookworm she always reads books at her free time.She really likes to write song and produce music.She gets her inspiration in writing songs by her past relationships or what she see's.When she always pass by a beautiful scenery she will always get her sketch book and she will then draw that scenery.She also loves photography when she was little she always wishes to be like her mother.  
  • Likes: 
  •  ~ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!
    ~cute stuff
    ~hello kitty
    ~writing songs
    ~producing music
  • Dislikes:
  •  ~snakes
    ~horror movies
    ~two faced
    ~naggy people
    ~people who touches her coke
    ~she doesn't like it when guys keeps staring at her for a long time because it gives her the creeps
  • Hobbies: 
  •  ~drawing
    ~writing songs

    ~producing music
    ~playing sports
    ~going to the gym
  • Habits: 
  •  ~ her lips in a seductive way when concentrated or while performing thats why she got the seductive dancer/vocalist persona.
    ~dances ily thats why she is called ero jinnie like minzy the person who gave her and minzy that kind of nikname because they dance ally so they are always teased as THE ERO TWINS
    ~pouts when confused or thinking thats why one of her nickname is skyby,they call her skyby because she looks like a baby when she pouts when confused or thinking.
    ~stutters or blushes when she is near/talking someone she really likes
    ~turns pale when scared or nervous
  • Triva:
  • - Straightforward
    - can be really scary when angry
    - sometimes a workaholic
    - bad at times
    -loves to go to the gym
    -has 8 piercings
    -has 5 tattoos
    -has a collection of books,hats/caps,shoes(hightops&converse)
    -cant leave without her galaxy tablet,iphone&ipod
    -she and her older brother are like best friends
  • Extra Talents: 
  • ~can play the violin
    ~compose music
    ~write songs
  • Background Information <3~

  • Background:

    Her father is a music producer in america,korea and japan.Her mother is a model/photographer.Her brother is one of the members of a well known boygroup named BigBang.She was born in the US but when she turned 3 she  moved to france with her mother because of her job but later on she decided to be a model like her mother while her father and brother moved to korea because some entertainment company wants him to be the  producer for their songs.When she turned 7 she decided to live in japan with her father while her mother  stayed in france and your older brother choosed to stay in korea because he was gonna be a trainee in the entertainment company that my father worked with.Then she decided to move to korea because she wants to be reunited with her brother when she was 12.

  • Trainee Background: Sky's trainee days were tuff at first but later on she wants to try her best so that she and her brother can perform on the same stage.She really had a hard time to adjust to it.But one day she decided to quit but she just realized that she had gone so far on her trainee years so she thought to her self that it is part of life to have challenges.

    At first sky was a trainee in YG when she was 12 but after a year she decided to move to CUBE ent so that she can sometimes feel to be in a new environment but after 2 years of being a trainee Sky got transffered to JYP ent and trained there for a year then got transffered to SM ent.

  • Trainee Years: 
  • YG-1year

  • All in all-7years 
  • Family:
  • Lee Alexander/father/48/music producer

    Lee Sarah/mother/46/model&photographer

    Lee Donghae/brother/25/member of super junior

    Lee Arden/brother/16/model&student of Seoul High 

  • Stage Information <3~

  • Stage Name:Sky
  • Persona: the not so innocet sky,the seductive/charismatic rapper,such a tease vixen
  • Position: main rapper + vocalist/main dancer + lead vocalist
  • Own Fanclub Name: STARZ
  • Own Fanclub Color:Sky Blue/Yellow             
  • Other Jobs: model,actress,composer


    Pet(s):Dog(name of dog is fire)

    Partner:Yong Junhyung/Yong Jaesoon(BEAST/B2ST)When he is on stage he is very charismatic and has a bad boy image but when he is off stage he is like an umma to his band mates and its kinda funny.He and Sky met because of Sky's Best friend Yoseob because at that time Yoseob wants Sky to meet his  band mates and that Yoseob wants Sky to move on to what happend 



    Meeting: we met because of yoseob when yoseob wants sky to meet his bandmates and at that time yoseob wants sky to move on to what happend to her past relationship

    Love Triangle: Zico


    Who You End Up With:Junhyung 

    Best Friend:

    Yang Yoseob(BEAST/B2ST)

    Sky and yoseob met at cube ent when Sky's father is helping Hong oppa to choose the members of the group his forming called BEAST/B2ST.Then when they already choosed the members sky's dad introduced her to Yoseob and Dongwoon.Then she and Yoseob would always tease eachother thats why they became much closer as time goes by.He treats her like a little sister while she treats him like her own brother also. 




    They met when she was still a trainee  and at that time Sky was a new trainee at YG while her father was one of the music producers there,then sky's dad and uncle YG introduced sky to minzy then they just clicked because they both love dancing so the yg family has a nickname for them,They were called the ERO TWINS because they dance ily in any type of song.Sky was called Ero Jinnie while minzy was called Ero Minji.Sky and Minzy cant be separarted by anyone because we are like sisters that cant be separated


    Min-she and min met at jyp ent then min found out that sky knows how to speak in english and that she was from california too so they bacame really close but also became depressed upon sky's departure but still kept in contact with sky


    G.Na-they first met when yoseob introduced sky to her then later on they found out that they are both from the states and they became friends.But when sky got transffered to CUBE they became more close to each other.But later on sky got tranffered to another company but still they kept in contact


    Jessica-she and sky met because of hyoyeon at that time sky was still a trainee at first they became awkward but after some time they became really close.So if you mess with sky you mess with her.


    Hyoyeon-she and sky met when hyoyeon was just passing by a dance studio and she saw someone dancing and thought to her self that the person was really good.But hyoyeon didnt notice that the person was already looking at her until the person asked her what she was doing there then she told the person that she just passed by then she saw her dancing and that.After some introduction you now know the name of the person you saw dancing was sky and after that incident you two became really close.


    Rival(s): Zico/Woo Ji Hoo(Block B)

    When he is on stage he has a bad image but when he is off stage he is a hello kitty lover and has a romantic side to him.He and sky dated for 2 years.Until they broke up because Sky caught him cheating on her with Hyuna.But now he regrets on what he did and that he decided to win back sky's trust and most especially her heart.....but the question is will he win Sky's heart?^^ 

    Hyuna-she and sky were best friends back then but when Sky caught them making out sky was broken hearted and she treated hyuna as an enemy while hyuna was feeling guilty to what happened and that she realized that she lost such a great best friend she decided to gain Sky's trust back again and that she will never betray her again



    Song Suggestions for first album: Goodbye Baby Miss A

    Anything Else:none good luck on choosing HWAITING!!!!!^^


    For anyone who applied for A- Jinx, could you guys give some ideas for the fanclub name?


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