Aloha! Keke~ Me ish here again^____~

Another week! Another damn week and school will reopen!=.=' NO! NO! Time, I demand you stop!

So, I'm gonna update today for my story! I'm not suppose to update today but when I realized that I've only updated twice for this week and I would like to update as much as I can since school is still closed and I have time^^

Actually I was thinking about updating the story tomorrow but MY DAD gave me a hideous, ed up bad news ever! My father's family that's visiting from the country is going back on Sunday instead of Saturday! That means I have to go and see them again tomorrow(Saturday) and whether I like it or not, I HAVE TO SEE THAT BASTARD COUSIN OF MINE AGAIN!

WHY? WHY?! I want to cry so bad that I'm biting on my lips like its some piece of meat. My dad said maybe we'll be hanging out at my aunt's house for the whole day, which means the whole day of facing that bastard cousin! NO! NO! NO! It's not the reality that I want! NO!

Okay, I gotta keep calm and preserve my sanity! Yes, yes, that's what I should do today... Calm down, calm down, calm down. HOW THE AM I GONNA CALM DOWN?! , I gotta try again... Calm down, calm down, calm down... I wanna run away. Fly of to another country to be specific, fly off to Korea and fangirl away, forgetting about my problem! T.T

Wanna follow me? Hihi... I'm sure you do but I don't have money for now:( Sponsor maybe? LOL>< I sound like some high-class beggar! I think I'll end it here today. I'm not sure if I'll be posting something on my blog tomorrow because I'll be in WAR... Guys, wish me luck and pray that I'll stay sane! Peace out!


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Poor you :( I just want to kick disrespectful people of this earth too. I was raised that you should respect everything, so I hate those kids that throw away their garbage on the streets and call you names when you pass by >~<
Yesterday I passed somebody on my bike and I heard:
Your glasses ain't big enough.... I can still see your face!!
It's not such a hurtful thing to say, but I just don't understand why you would deliberately say something to hurt a person when you don't even know them >:(

Today I had my last exam for this semester, so I have a month vacation before the last semester begins, so I'm happy this week ended. Good luck on your last year!

Do you live far away from college? Because your parents were talking about moving closer to it? My college is 60 kilometers away, so I have to travel an hour per train and 20 minutes per bike. My parents didn't offer to move closer to college, I did not even know there were parents who would do that for their children O.O they must reeeaaally love you XD
Sehun_lisp #2
Good luck and HWAITING!!!!
eunhaekaisooftw #3
good luckkk ! :)
watwotwut #4
FIGHTING!! Hope you survive the day! ;) My school stars a week after New Year, but yeah, let's ditch school and go to Korea!!! :D
I just wanna hug you right now. Everything will be fine. FIGHTING!!
*holds onto you* I'll keep you company don't worry LOL
13seconds #7
Omg haha good luck to you and your cousin. C:
Don't worry, If you ignore him and maybe give him a taste of his own medicine...act like a ____ to him but a total angel to others. Or if you can't keep yourself occupied!
Hahaha omg I love this gif of Sungmin XD
Good Luck ;-)
Hahaha I love your GIFS XD they make my day
Good luck~
Squiggles #11
This is your chance! Give him a good thrashing!!!! I support you!!!
alliebug128 #12
you got this! fighting!^^ either way you will win, either you will beat the crap out of your cousin or you will some how calm down and just ignore him lol
partiallystars #13
/sings this is war