♔ `( 2013 Global audition ) ↷ application form [Zahra AlAttas]

2013 Global Audition


Zahra AlAttas.

who are you? 
` { full name - zahra alattas (자라 알아탓)
` { nicknamesjala [as her korean friends can't pronounce z and r, much like how people say zelo of b.a.p's name as 'jello']
- jia-shin [her chinese name her mother gave her, since her mother is chinese]
- jin ae [a korean name her korean friends gave her, similar to her chinese name]
oegug-in [korean for 'foreigner', a nickname used when she learns new things about korean language/culture]
- gomu baendeu [korean for 'rubber band' as her body is extremely flexible since she's a rhythmic gymnast]
` { age & birthdate - 17 (13/04/1995)
` { birthplace & hometown - born and raised in kuala lumpur, malaysia
` { ethnicity - malay/arab & chinese
` { languages - korean [fluent, but has slight problems at times], malay & english [native/fluent]
i'm born this way.
` { personality -  
Zahra has this complexity to her personality that can't be deciphered completely, but can be streamed through enough for you to understand how this girl works. 
She's at first, shy, very cool and collected, quiet and calm. She doesn't approach people at all because she has terrible social skills and she would end up stammering like an idiot instead of actually talking and breaking the ice. She lets the person approch her first and if that person manages to make her somewhat comfortable, she's immdiately warmed up and the shyness fades a little. When she's around friends and family is another story. With her walls stripped down around people close to her, she's a completely different person. Talkative, energetic and most definitely weird. She's not afraid to dance randomly while walking on the streets bored or act goofy and crack lame jokes. Again, this complex only appears when she's around people she's close to. If around many people that she should impress (like a roomfull of idols she hasn't met), she'll become that cool and quiet one, waiting for someone to talk to her.
While on camera though, Zahra becomes that dorky, goofy, outgoing and weird seventeen year old girl. Even though she's funny, she has an air of  maturity to her whenever and wherever, not acting cutesy (as some people dub her cuteness 'natural') and answering questions wittily and bluntly. The charisma shines through naturally and her humour and comic personality amuses and impresses many people. On stage performing, she exerts a very lively presence, doing her best to impress the people and have them enjoy the performance too. 
Despite that, she's amazingly hot-headed. She gets annoyed and irritated easily but keeps in her anger most of the time until one day she explodes out of white rage and will start yelling and screaming, sometimes even violently throwing things around the room just to let it all out. She's also very sensitive, like many people say, 'she can't even take a joke,' getting offended easily. She's fine with pranks, they're all for laughs and all, but anything remotely offensive, eventhough meant as a joke, will have her sulky. Just like any other teenager going through the process of growing up, she experiences extreme mood-swings, going from happy to moody with a slight push. Moody/Sulkiness will earn you a very quiet Zahra.
She's tough. Very tough for a seventeen-year-old. She went through many many years old rhythmic gymnastics training, learning discipline, and how to be strong. She's much stronger than she looks. She believes crying/shedding tears is a sign of weakness, as she often got scolded by her coach for crying and 'being weak'. Her toughness is mostly her mentality ('never give up') and her physical form (she has some crazy muscles). But, she knows when to let loose and when she can be immature. She gets lost into her own world very easily when daydreaming or reading, causing her to block out the whole world. Despite that, she's extremely analytical of almost everything and anything. 
As much as she cares about the people she loves, she can't shake off one trait. Selfishness. She often thinks about herself and her benefits before others, but she is trying to get rid of the trait (Though no signs of luck). She's a hardworking teenager who's just finding herself in the world of idols.
` { background -
Born in the capital of Malaysia, Zahra was a normal kid, although not that normal. She was a state rhythmic gymnast since she was five, one of the best in her age group. She had training 6 times a week and school was not helping in terms of homework and peer pressure. The stress was building up for her in a very big manner and as much as she loved going for training, the effects were too much for the little girl to handle. Her mother wanted her to quit, but her father refused, fearing his daughter will become a bum right after that. 

Until the starting of her twelfth year, something happened. She arrived home from school like always, homework piling up in her school bag, stomach full from snacks she bought from the convenience store. As she stepped in the door, her father dragged her in and informed her that they were moving to South Korea, due to his work. A mix of emotions attacked the girl at once and she didn't know what to do. They couldn't just be leaving at such short notice! 

But, they did eventually five months later. Adjusting to the Korean lifestyle was most definitely one of the most difficult things Zahra had to go through. She had no idea how to speak Korean and people deemed her as 'oegug-in' (they still do at times). The peer pressure crushed her. She hated Korean culture, Korea and her father for making the family move to Korea. But, there was one thing about the Korean society that she loved, the music.It was so much more unique and different than mainstream american and malaysian music and she was immediately entranced. She found herself even learning some Korean through the songs.

At thirteen, she formed into a k-pop freak and went to Inkigayo and screamed for her favourite groups. She even gained some friends through the experience. But there was something off about it. She enjoyed screaming and fangirling and all, but she had this tugging feeling of actually being on that stage. So one weekend, out of sheer dreams and luck, the girl set of to SM Entertainemnt's building for open casting. She came in with her scarce Korean and awkward bowing. Somehow, she got in.

` { likes & dislikes - [• - likes | ◘ - dislikes]
• Rainy days - They remind her a lot of her hometown, Malaysia. She often goes through a form of  nostalgia whenever it' raining.
• Stuffed animals - Stuffed animals have been Zahra's accompant's for a long time. She even keeps a collection in her dorm.
• Clothes that are easy to move in - She finds really stiff clothes that are hard to move in extremely annoying so whenever she gets the chance, you'll only see her in sweat pants and a sweat shirt.
• Travelling - Who doesn't want to travel around the world?
• Tea - People love coffee; Zara loves tea.
◘ Tomatoes - She has hated them since she was a kid. Theres just something about those slimy little seeds and it's taste that makes Zara want to puke.
◘ Earrings - She doesn't want to get her ears pierced.
◘ People with little to no common sense - They annoy her to no end. As she says it, "You have a brain, USE IT."
◘ Heavy makeup - The cakey feelings she gets when all that makeup is on her face is extremely irritating and uncomfortable.
◘ Pork - Growing up in Malaysia, where pork isn't tolerated very well, she grew to dislike it.
` { hobbies -    • Dancing - It's like a therapy for her
• Writing - She enjoys writing stories
• Napping - Who doesn't?
• Social networking - Easiest way to connect to her family, friends and fans.
• Rapping/Singing - Like many people she sees it as a way to express her true feeling when she's in a deep pit. 
• Physical activities - Whether it's dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, basketball or anything else that can help her sweat, she'll love it. She finds it stress relieving.
• Making people laugh/smile - It is her speciality and even if she's confused, she loves to see people smiling because of her.
• Eating - Food is another way she can use to relieve stress.
` { habits -        • Biting/Chewing on her nails [a bad habit she picked when she was small. Does it whenever she's thinking deeply or nervous]
• Moving a lot when she's asleep [never knew the reason to it, but she can do splits in her sleep, according to her mother]
• Doing weird dances randomly when she's bored or nervous [normally a thing to make people laugh or to take things off her mind]
• Blurting out random Malay/English when she doesn't know the Korean words [she has a bit of a problem with korean since it's not her native language]
• Hiding in a quiet corner when she's sad or mad [she dislikes letting people see her angry or upset]
` { trivia -          • Extremely flexible due to the fact that she was a rhythmic gymnast (and she still practices it)
• She names every single one of her stuffed animals
• Allergic to cats and dogs even if she loves them
• Carries sweets around with her in case her friends/members get sleepy
• Natural cook, but she only cooks when she has the mood to
• Has a phobia for the dark
• Favourite colours are blue and peach
• Back-up dancer for Lee Hi's '1, 2, 3, 4'
• Featured in Ft. Island's MV, 'I Wish' and B1A4's MV, 'Baby I'm Sorry'
the one with the face.
 >> I'M Y AND I KNOW IT << 
` { ulzzang name - Kang Hye Yeon
` { picturesone || two || three || four || five 
` { back up ulzzang name -  lee yeon ju (mikki)
` { height & weight - 172 cm & 49 kg
into the new world.
` { how did you get into legend entertainment? Originally an SM trainee, Zahra requested for the CEO move her to Legend because she thought that Legend's image would suit her better, and she had a better chance to debut under Legend rather than SM. He was skeptical at first, but agreed to it in the end. She had just only joined SM for about six months. It caused a slight commotion in between the Legend, SM & YG companies, since she requested to be moved insted of the CEO moving her out of his own choice.
` { were you in another agency before joining legend? - She was originally from SM Entertainment, and moved to Legend, it's co-label shared with YG as she requested to. She thought she would have a better chance to do so as she realized SM had many trainees and those people would suit SM more than her. Legend fit her more than SM as she expected.
` { audition clip
  • singing : 1 | 2 [amber of f(x)]
  • dancing : 1 | 2 [son yeon jae] | 3 [jia of miss a]
  • rapping : 1 | 2 [lime of hello venus]
` { trainee lifeIt was especially hard for Zahra in terms of school and learning new culture. Her grades dropped a lot her first year in SM and her father threatened to pull her out of Legend/SM, but due to the threat, her grades went up again and stayed up as she feared she would get pulled out because she loved it so much at Legend. She took in all the critisism and gained a lot of experience. Learning Korean was hard, but her want to communicate with Korean's normally gave her a drive to learn faster. 
` { years of training - about four years, she started at thirteen and was with sm for a year then she moved to legend.
a new star.
` { stage nameyucca [the first part of the scientific name of her favourite flower, adam's needle, since her name means flower in arabic]
` { persona - dorky foreign flower 
` { fanclub name & color - yucca's needle (#ccffff & #000000) [extracted from 'adam's needle', fans will be called needle(s)]
` { message to fans - Annyeong hasaeyo, Yucca of Goddess/Primadonna here! Thank you so much for suporting me and loving me the way that you have. It's especially heart-warming when you all give me messages of courage and strength and I will work hard for all my fans! Please continue to support me and my group! Kamsamnida~!
they make me smile.
` { family members -
  • father - Zaid AlAttas | 47 | company director | Zahra's father is a warm, funny and respected man. Even though he's very strict at times Zahra loves him a lot. He can be very hot-headed. He silently disapproves Zahra's choice to stay in Legend to become an idol. He doesn't attend most of the events he's invited to to see Zahra perform, but he still loves her, often bringing her out for coffee whenever they can, but he always ends up trying to talk her out of the idol life.
  • mother - Aliya Wong Yung Na | 45 | housewife | She's an extremely likeable woman who cares about her family a lot. She can get along with people easily, but she tends to nag a lot. She's quite calm and patient. She balances out her husband like Ying and Yang, but sometimes gets into fights over their children. She supports her daughter throughout anything, and is constantly worried and calls her to check on her. 
  • sibling - zeynah alattas | 15 | female | student | perfectionist, know-it-all but caring and thoughtful | They get along often, but have big misunderstandings with each other most of the time. They text each other constantly, but Zeynah is by their father's side, thinking that Zahra going on the path of an idol is a mistake.
  • sibling - salma alattas | 12 | female | student | warm, bubbly but annoying | Despite being painfully annoying (often making Zahra mad and grumpy) she makes Zahra smile a lot and she can't help but protect her from the world. She wants Zahra to be happy and seeing Zahra happy while performing makes her go against their other sister, Zeynah.
` { friends - 4 only
  • zelo | 16 | male | real | idol (B.A.P) | introspective, cute, slightly shy | they have a close donsaeng/noona relationship. she often complains to why he's so much more taller (10 cm to be exact), but she cares a lot about him and his well-being.
  • taemin | 18 | male | real | idol (SHINee) | childish, but extremely lovable | even though he's a year older, zahra takes care of taemin well, often treating him to food and drinks, but she always teases him about how she's younger, but she's more mature. they like to discuss dance.
  • lee eun mi | 17 | female | occ | student | fangirl, bubbly, bright | her first ever friend in korea. she met her during her first time at a music show and eun mi saw that she was lost and helped her through the process. they've been friends since then. eun mi likes to call her up and ask about he rlife as a trainee and they like to get lunch together whenever their free to chat. 
` { best friends - 2 only
  • henry | 23 | male | real | idol (SuJu) | he's a mochi, extremely dorky and a total sweetheart. |  he was her dance mentor at SM and they immediately became friends | zahra's favourite guy friend. he communicates with her in english. even though he's in China a lot and she misses him that way, they meet whenever they can.
  • amber | 20 | female | real | idol [f(x)] | | Amber is calm and cool, but dorky and playful most of the times |  they through the connection of Henry, since Henry and Amber are close | she and zahra usually combine forces to make funny jokes and mini comedy acts together. zahra often goes to amber whenever she has a problem or when she needs to vent. they usually don't have filters between each other and amber is the only one that zahra is not sensitive around.
this is love.
` { love interest name - cha sunwoo (baro)
` { personality - dorky, playful, competitive, friendly, fearless
` { how you met Zahra got the chance to star in B1A4's MV, 'Baby I'm Sorry'. She got introduced to each member, as she was to act with all of them.
` { interaction between you and him - they're close enough that she can call him 'oppa'. they can speak informally with each other and they text each other and hang-out and such, but if they have any kind of skin contact, it'll make it awkward and they would blush. zahra blushes because she actually likes baro, but she mentally disapproves of it as she doesn't want to ruin their friendship, telling herself that baro is just a friend.
` { back up love interest name - choi minho
` { personalitymature, manly, warm-hearted, cool, charismatic and kind
` { interaction between you and himthey're comfortable around each other. they like to joke around, and they like to text and eat snacks whenever they can.
` { scene request - baro would tell her he likes her and then she would reject him reluctantly and run away, and end up under a tree to clear her thoughts then he finds her and he catches her and brings her close to him before she can run away from him and he says, 'i don't believe you' and kisses her, and she can't help but kiss back c: [you can decipher the scene in your own way, of course]
` { ex-lover - n/a [she hasn't even gotten her first kiss XD]
` { draman/a
goodbye baby, goodbye!
` { name - zorrohadad
` { song suggestions? -   • hello venus - venus and/or what are you doing today
      • nu abo - f(x)
      • heart to heart - 4minute
` { fanclub name suggestions? - godess [amazon(s)] | primadonna [diva(s)]
` { feedback, comments, concerns? - i love legend and i hope you guys like yucca/zahra!


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