+ // 3-word survey


1. Where is your cell phone?
Next to me.
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?
Single since birth.
3. Hair?
Black and messy.
4. Your mother?
Talks a lot.
5. Your father?
Complains a lot.
6. Your favorite item?
Lappy or phone.
7. Your dream last night?
Disgusting green frogs [Shudders...]
8. Your favorite drink?
Chocolate milk shake.
9. Your dream guy/girl?
Kris or Leo.
10. Where are you now?
In my room.
11. Your fears?
Ignored and neglected.
12. What do you want to be in 10 years?
Still haven't decided.
13. Who did you hang out with last night?
I'm by myself.
14. What are you not?
A good girl.
15. Are you in love?
More like crush.
16. One of your wishlist items?
A new laptop.
17. The last thing you did?
Listening to music.
18. What are you wearing?
T-shirt and pants.
19. Your favorite book?
Middle School Survival.
20. The last thing you ate.
I don't remember.
21. Your life?
Stressful, unstable, enjoyable.
22. Your friends?
Most awesome creatures.
23. What are you thinking about right now?
The upcoming 2013.
24. Your car?
Didn't own one.
26. What are you doing at this moment?
Doing the survey.
27. Your summer?
Not that great.
28. Your relationship status?
Single is awesome.
29. What is on your TV screen?
It's not on.
30. When was the last time you laughed?
Late at night.
31. Last time you cried?
Before I sleep.
32. School?
A living hell.



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Lol! Nice answers~ 대박!