Love Disease





The coldness of the night during that winter time

Let me realized the loneliness I feel inside.

You didn’t tell me your reasons why

Suddenly you asked me to give you space and time.


When you decided to leave me under the cherry blossom tree

I counted your footsteps when you are walking away from me.

I was wishing that you change your mind and come back to me;

Because I am not that strong, everything will just go wrong


You didn’t look back but you walk with your head straight forward.

My mind’s saying that you are such a coward.

When you promised me that no matter what, you’ll hold my hand.

But you didn’t keep it; you took it away even from my dreamland.


You used to be my candle and served to be my light.

But you melted and left me nothing but darkness of the night.

I didn’t expect us to be in this situation;

Wherein you and I have to make each other’s decision


Here I am looking through my window.

Waiting like crazy one again just to see you.

But you didn’t let me see you even your shadow.

Now here I am like a frustrated widow.


Every second, every minute, every hour of every day

Your name in my mind still remains.

I don’t want to be this sick, exhausted and useless.

But I haven’t learned how to cure this love disease yet.







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Wow. Ang dramatic naman. Keke