3 Word Survey~


MUST USE 3 WORDS. (no more no less)

Not as easy as you might think...(or is it?!)

1. Where is your cell phone?

on my lap.

2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?

I Go Solo.    D:

3. Hair?

at my shoulders.

4. Your mother?

bring me food.

5. Your father?

no picking ..

6. Your favorite item?

my infinite babies<3

7. Your dream last night?

didnt..have one?

8. Your favorite drink?

I like that H2O

9. Your dream guy/girl?

My hunnybun Myungsoo<3

10. The room you are in?

ducks....my room.

11. Your fear?


12. What do you want to be in 10 years?

...I honestly donno..

13. Who did you hang out with last night?

bed..and Myungsoo<3

14. What are you not?

what are you..?

15. Are you in love?


16. One of your wish list items

to marry Myungsoo.

17. The last thing you did?

pick my nose..

18. What are you wearing?

clothes...you ert.

19. Your favorite book?

book favorite you?

20. The last thing you ate?


21. Your life?

..dog ...

22. Your friends?

amazing, beautiful, loving

23. What are you thinking about right now?

nose in PAIN~

24. Your car?

on the display..

26. What are you doing at this moment?

chopping my nose.

27. Your summer?

tumblr...asian fanfics..

28. Your relationship status?

ridin solo...sad...

29. What is on your TV screen?


30. When is the last time you laughed?

1 hour ago

31. Last time you cried?

agez ago bro


fall of cliff...


Now repost this as 3 word survey

PS. no more no less



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You have four words on number 8!!! Hahaha