100 Q's (Taken from ManiacKaoru)


1.Name?:   Dionne 
2.Nickname?:   Gemmie?
3.DOB?:  12 March
4.Height?:  171
5.Weight?:  58kg (Fat, I know.)
6.Family?:  Mother, sister, brother and me.   
7.Pet?:  Pet dog, June:D
8.Favorite phrase?:  My goal in life is to be happy so, SCREW OFF!
9.Three words to describe yourself?:  Hyper, moody, anti-social *gasps* Nah, joking.
10.Clothes size?:   Medium, large. I have big bones O:
11.Shoe size?:  8 
12.Three biggest fears?:   ROACHES! DAMN ROACHES! BURN THEM! I HATE THEM! Insects and WORMS, OH MY GOD, WORMS! 
13. Hobbies?:     Singing, Dancing, writing, sleeping (Did I just write that?), stoning and... reading?:D
15.Favorite food?:  CRABS! CRABS! They better run!:.
16.Favorite animal?:   Dog?
17.Favorite number?:  7?
18.Least favorite food?:  Snails? Frogs? EWWWW.
19.Stage name if/when you have one?:  Candy? 
20.How many moles/beauty marks do ypou have on your body?:  one on my nose O:
21. Favorite part of your body?:  MY S. LOL, Okay... Did I just... write that? I do love them though:/ They belong to the big catergory in Singapore, 31D:D (Okay, let's ignore this ._.)
22.Least favorite part of your body?:  MY NOSE! Damn it ): I want it to be sharper D:
23.Mother or Father?:   Definitely mother<3
24.If your best friend told you they were gay, you'd?:  "You serious?" "Yeah." "Who do you like? Me?:D Awww."
25.What are you wearing right now?:   Long T-shirt and short shorts. It looks as if I'm only wearing.. ahem underneath. LOL!
26.Your favorite pair of underwear?: PINK CALVIN KLEINS
27.Your favorite pair of socks?:  I don't like socks O:
28.Girl crush?:  CL of 2NE1.
29.Guy crush?:  Jaejoong, definitely:D And then, Myungsoo (: KIM myungsoo:D
30.?:   This is.. awkward. Yes?
31.First kiss?: Still with me although I had many boyfriends O: How weird...
32.How many kids would you like?:   Max 2. A girl and a boy. A older boy and a younger girl so the boy can protect his sister:D
33.Favorite film?:  Jumanji:D
34.Favorite film you've seen this year?: Twilight:BD part 2 ♥
35.What would your fans be called if/when you have them?:  Affairs:D
36.Favorite idol?: Jaejoong, DB5K, DEFINITELY!
37.Favorite band?:  DB5K, Infinite, SHINee, B2ST, Teen Top and B.A.P
38.Favorite song?:  Only you, wild thorn rose.
39.Allergies?:  Prawns, sometimes.
40.Most precious item?:  Phone. Phone. Phone. 
41.Your feet?:  What about my feet? 
42.Your first memory?:  Tom and Jerry. I was eating my baby pooridge, getting fed by my mom when I saw Jerry running from Tom so I followed suit. I got scolded though:/
43.Your biggest turn on?:  A guy's vein protruding on his neck. THAT IS SO DAMN.... I don't know what to say.
44.Your biggest turn off?: Guy who is always ignoring me.
45.If you were in a kpop band, what would it be called?:  Sisterhood
46.Your dream for the future?:   An author, dancer or... actress(:
47.Hair colour?:  Golden red brown
48.Eye colour?: Dark brown
49.Most precious memory?: My time spent in New zealand.
50.Favorite video game?:   Auditionsea? Halo?
51.What does your room look like?:  Neat and Tidy. Pink, pink, pink. Everything is pink. See how much I love pink? It's a princess room ^^ And pink.:D
52.Your fashion style?: Casual, dress, shirt, shorts.
53.Who do you look up to/idolise?:  Kim freaking Joong, Low kay hwa (Singapore author) and my brother(:
54.Asian or caucasian guys/girls?:  Both.
55.Friends?:  Yeah.
56.School?:  Boring!~
57.Your house?:  Medium, there's lots of empty spaces I can fill with my things:D
58.If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?:  Korea, Japan and... New Zea.
59.Keith Lemon?:  What's that?
60.Christmas?:  GIFTS!
61.When you get reincarnated, what would you like to be?: A celebrity? Princess? LOL, dream on.
62.Also, when you are reincarnated, would you like to be a boy or a girl?:  Girl.
63.Armpits, shaved, waxed or au naturale?:  IPL
64.Legs, shaved, waxed or au naturale?:  Epilate
65.Are these questions weird?:  Some.
66.Favorite member of Super Junior?: Ryeowook.
67.Favorite member of SNSD?:   Tiffany, Sunny.
68.Favorite member of SHINee?: Chicken(: (Oh, you know who I'm talking about!)
69.Favorite member of f(x)?:  Victoria. (Vic-to-ri-a, Vic-to-ri-a, di di da la du)
70.Favorite member of TVXQ!/DBSK/JYJ?:  Jaejoong.
71.Favorite member of Big Bang?:  Taeyang
72.First kpop group you got into?: DBSK. I knew BoA first. Then DBSK and then H.O.T
73.First kpop song you heard?:   No.1
74.Deodorant or au naturale b.o?:  I use a stick.. I don't know what you call that.
75.If above question deodorant, then what brand?: 
76.Right or Left handed?:   right
77.Your teeth?:  Straight? Healthy? White? Nice?
78.Your breath?:   Sweet? LOL!
79.Finger nails?:   Recently short since I have the guitar to play -.-
80.Toe nails?:  short
81.Makeup?:  Now? No. Sometimes though.
82.I'm running ou of ideas, aren't I?:  Definitely
83.Santa Claus or The Tooth Fairy?:  Santa Claus if he gives me a SX50 HS and tooth fairy if I get $1000.
84.Bellybutton fluff?: Ew. No.
85.Favorite reality tv show?:  Running man?
86.Favorite english/american celebrity?:  Taylor Lautner (This, I agree)
87.ual orientation?  Straight
88.Two fat ladies?:  One skinny girl. (Wth is this?)
89.Tea or Coffee?:  Coffee.
90.If you were in a kpop band, what would you do? (example: rapper, singer ect.): Vocal.
91.Your bra?: 31D.
92.We're almost finished, yay!?: yay~!!!!
93.Is this too long?: yes.
94.What toothpaste brand do you use?: Oral-B. The world's number 1 recommended toothbrush brand by dentist :D
95.What colour is your toothbrush?: White.
96.Bad habit?:  Sticking my tongue out and biting the insides of my mouth.
97.How clean are you?: Clean.
98.Where are you right now?: school :/
99.Message to your fans? (lol idek): Love me more and love me more.:D
100.FINALLY!! A pic of yourself?: 


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