APEiRON #OO2 — Quinndolyn Eterna Averice Avero Dhoeryo



Hi peeps.

I'm back-ish with a new teaser. 


I know that I would reveal APEiRON teasers during time, but I just couldn't resist and make another teaser.

Making them is just so much fun, especially when you are very inspired.

So, everytime I'm inspired, and feel like it, I will make another teaser.


(drag to new tab for bigger view)

Name: Quinndolyn Eterna Averice Avero Dhoeryo (Kwin-dolin E-terna Ave-rice A-veroh Duhowe-ryo)

Gender: Female
Race/Species: Witch/Human
Ethnicity: Unknown
Age: 4675

How old he/she appears: 15
Mental age: 15



Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Black Widowing



Height: 155 cm
Weight: 44 kg

Blood type: Unknown
Color blood: Black (infected)



Eye color: Blue
Eyes: Hazy, not sharp.
Hair color: Black
Hair length: Till lower back
Hair: Infected



Mental disorder?: No
If so, how?: N/A



City: Death Flower

Quinndolyin will not have a big role in the story. Maybe some mentions, scenes but that's it.
One thing; Crow is related in someway to Quinndolyn. 

Are you guys anticipating Apeiron?

o u o

saranghae. <3


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