Had to hide my fic recs TT

My friend found my tumblr today ;_; and I don't mind it that much bc she's a diehard kpop fan too and she's already used to me spazzing on twitter so I think she can handle my tumblr tags as well. It's just that I had a fic recommendation list including nc-17 rated ones ;____; idk if I want her to know that i read stories about my biases having together. Maybe she even reads fics too idk, just don't wanna take the chance XD

I just feel like no where is safe anymore, too many people that I know in real life are following me everywhere. ;A; I don't mind most of them tho, bc they spazz just as hard as I do, and they read fics as well, or they don't find it weird I read gay fanfiction. It's just that, sometimes I forget that even people from my high scool, who I haven't spoken to in years, are following me on twitter, and i'm just spazzing about kpop, I wonder if they even know what i'm talking about. xD I really wonder what they think of me ._.


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Don't worry about it!! I can tell you're a great person if they don't see it then their loss :D
I spent my entire high school and even after hiding what i love but now i wonder whats the point. They dont deserve you if they cant accept all of you so be proud of what you love.
