Seeing him AGAIN!

Hi, hello, annyeong!!! I'm back again to ramble more! YEY! First of all, I managed to update my story yesterday^^ Hihi... I'm so happy! I will update again tomorrow after I finish writing the new chapter which is like halfway done;) So, to my loyal readers who reads, "Who the hell is she?!" please be kind and wait for it^____________^

My dad told me that we'll be going back to visit his family which came from the country and currently staying at my aunt's house. Yes, I'll be seeing that jerk male cousin of mine again! Please, if he's gonna watch cartoon again, I'm gonna slap his face with a ing remote controller and change the channel into something Korean! Just wait and see!

Okay, so, there's this one author, I shall name her A. This A, had posted up stories and decided to send them to some reviewers... She had actually sent it to several reviewers and the response was okay but then this one reviewer suddenly said her story is not good. Now, she had deactivated her account and also her stories are gone:( It turned out that she was devastated by it and decided to deactivate everything!

Aigoo~ why did she do that? I mean, you love writing right? So, no one should be able to stop you. Hmm, maybe she was too broken-hearted by the harsh comments? I dunno, that’s why I don’t send in my stories to be reviewed because I know they are not that good and I still need to improve them and I am trying… If that author sees this blog, I hope you would come back again:D whenever you’re ready! Be optimistic alright~

Enough with that… Last night, I stayed up quite late because I had a hard to fall asleep. It’s hard for me to sleep and it’s also hard for me to get up from my sleep! I tossed around on the bed until I felt dizzy… LOL>< At the end, I took my blanket and my pillow and slept on the floor but I woke up 2 hours later. I crawled back to my bed and slept like a baby! Hihi… at least I slept, so yeah!

Gotta go now! I’ll ramble more soon^__^ Rambling is like a part of my life, so, I’m gonna continue on until you’re sick of me! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Chiao peeps!


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watwotwut #1
I hope that author learns not to take uthe comments too personally! It's good to take on different opinions, even if you may not like some people's opinions. Have fun with your cousin :P
13seconds #2
Haha, you're going to have soooo much fun with your cousin. :P
Good luck with your cousin! Btw, what show does Himchan did in your last gif?
I feel bad for that person.. =( hope she gets over it and try again..

The cousin.. >.< There is always that one person that annoys you.. grrrr..
Looool, your posts always crack me up!
um reasons why reviews are bad are because ur stories ARE bad. even if reviewers don't like a story, they have a rubric to mark on and they cant dock marks just because they hate the story. She shouldn't of been so devastated, she should've picked herself up and started writing again. Reviews are supposed to help you improve, point out mistakes you never knew existed.
Lol, I was wondering why you didn't change the channel to KPOP XD hahahaha
You show 'im girl! XD LOL

That must've been one bad review 8/
Same reason I don't send my fics to get reviewed cause I know they too >.>
Though it couldn't have been that bad to be a good enough reason to deactivate your account. Like, who cares what other people think, right? As long as you're happy with your fic, that should be the only thing that matters :'(
commes #8
Lol at the last gif XD
and yeah that author should stay optimistic!
A review should push her to improve her writing skill c:
Hope she'll come back to AFF :D