Who are you in Exo-K

Stole this from: meryifuseekaponyxd xD


[ ] You like golf
[ ] You're polite and considerate
[ ] Favorite movie is Pirates of the Carribean
[ ] You're good at making honey water
[ ] Always checking up on friends and family for problems
[ ] Like acting
[ ] Weak with personal talents (I can my elbow, if that isn't a personal talent then idk what is)
[ ] You're favorite song from EXO's album is Angel/Into Your World
[ ] You like to read on your free time
[ ] You're born in May
TOTAL: (sorry Suho, we're just too different ;_;)

[ ] You play the piano well 
[ ] Used to be in a school band 
[x] You're bright and cheerful
[ ] You like to socialize
[x] Fashion style is usually tidily casual (wth is tidily casual, is there a sloppily casual? But yeah I like to dress tidily casual i guess)
[x] Favorite types of movies: SF, fantasy, action
[ ] You're into acting
[ ] You can sing very high
[ ] You think eyeliner makes you look feminine
[ ] You're a hardcore girl group lover
TOTAL: 3/10

[ ] You can play many instruments 
[ ] You can rap 
[x] You're a romantic person 
[x] Habit of following rhythms with your hands
[x] Bright person with positive personality (from time to time)
[ ] Passionate about learning and playing different instruments 
[ ] You're voice is charming (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no)
[x] Laugh out of no where 
[ ] You can beatbox
[ ] Favorite color is black 
TOTAL: 4/10

[ ] Like to be clean (LOLOLOL)
[x] You like to cook (I really do, but it takes up too much time)
[ ] You're a quiet person (It depends)
[x] You're deep on the inside (As deep as the depths of the ocean)
[x] You're a sharp person
[x] Habit of humming songs
[x] Favorite food: Spaghetti (one of my many favorite dishes)
[x] You have great English Pronounciation (I wouldn't say great, but people do say my english is really good)
[ ] You take vocal lessons
[x] Style: Casual
TOTAL: 7/10

[x] Dancing machine (this is weird saying this about myself ._. )
[x] Dark skin (define dark, bc kai sure as hell isn't dark imo, but if kai's 'dark' is the standard, then yes i am too)
[ ] Bossy
[ ] Really good at games (LOLOLOLOL)
[x] Can't express feelings that well
[x] Warm-hearted
[x] Habit of /biting lips 
[ ] Likes shirts with characters on it
[ ] You have a dog(s) 
[ ] You know ballet
TOTAL: 5/10

[ ] You have a lisp
[ ] You're the youngest amongst your friends (depends which group of friends)
[ ] You love to cry 
[ ] Habit of sticking tongue out
[ ] Shy at first, lively when well-known
[x] Can't stay still
[ ] You're not scheming/manipulative (i can be very manipulative when i want too, oop)
[ ] You like to dress neat
[x] You like sushi and meat 
[ ] You like colors black and white
Total: 2/10

Result: D.O (I knew we were meant to be 
 ಥuಥ) Even the rest of the members are in the order of who I like the most lol XDD


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Haha i got 4/10 on both ChanBaek. Others are mostly 3. Haha lol
POLICE FOLLOW HER SHE STOLE MY POST!!! xD now, I NEED TO SAY THIS: [x] You're deep on the inside (As deep as the depths of the ocean) LEMME SWIM IN YOUR SEA! ok gay moment's over (couldn't help myself I watched FRIENDS and they made that comment! sorry xD) btw: I would totally dress sloppily casual
10 out of 10 on Sehun :DD