Some questions


Credits: prettyflip_3   



1. What is your middle name?


2. Are you wearing makeup? 


3. What colour is your toothbrush?

Orange and white

4. Approximately how many posters are hung up in your room?

None, i have many posters though. I just don't like hanging it in the wall

5. What does your hair product smell like? 

Ask google

6. Where would you rather be right now?

At the table next to me, doing my homework

7. What is the temperature outside?


8. Have you ever dyed your hair? If so what colour?


9. What is the funniest word you know?


10. Name your favourite band starting with the letter 'M'


11. What is your favourite pick up line? And has anyone ever used it on you?

I don't like pick up lines, it's too cheesy

12. Describe your first icon using only verb.


13. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought with your own money?

I forgot

14. State your favourite letter of the alphabet


15. What is your favourite accent?

British English, it's fun!

16. How did you celebrate the new year?

Fireworks and money + food

17. What do you call a brown fizzy drink that usually comes in a can?


18. Do you like fish? 

A bit

19. What is your most used tag?

What tag?

20. Would you rather ask someone out or be asked out? 

Be asked out

21. What is your favourite Olympic sport to watch?


22. Have you ever dumped anyone? 


23. What do you want to be when you grow up?


I actually am planning to be a psychiatrist

24. Have you ever been to the United States? If so, where?


25. What instrument have you always wanted to play?

Violin and Piano

26. Describe your dream partner's eye colour

Green or Light Blue

27. What do you order at dinners? 


28. Coffee or espressos?


29. What is the most annoying song on the radio at the moment?

I'm not listening to the radio

30. How many contacts do you have on your phone?

probably 12? I barely use my phone

31. What type of music player do you own?


32. Describe your favourite painting

None ATM

33. What was the best present you have ever received?

Iunno, forgot

34. Spring or Fall? Why?

Fall, i just like it

35. What was the last text you received? Who was it from?


36. Would you ever paint your room pink?

Nope, i'm not girly

37. What colour is your underwear?


38. Favourite perfume scent?

Something candy-ish like

39. What celebrity do you think needs to drop off a cliff?

Justin Bieber? Nahhh, Em going on S _ _ _ _

40. Do blue eyes turn you on?


41. What meat do you prefer in a sandwich? 


42. Would you ever wear a sweater to school?

If it's raining hard

43. What is the name of your current ringtone?


44. Glasses or contacts?

None, but if you let me choose who i like more? i'd choose glasses! It's more comfortable. Contacts is like putting bricks on your eyes ( Even if i never tried one, that's what THEY told me )

45. What shoes do you normally wear to school?

Black school shoes

46. Where is your nearest television?

Living room

47. What is your favourite vegetable?

None? Well carrots?

48. When was the last time you drank milk? 

Forgot . . . I think that was Sunday

49. What was your lowest grade in school? 

77? Yeap i .

50. Are you using Google chrome?




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