Out Of School...

Annyeong! So how are you guys? Healthy? Sick? Indifferent?

Keke~ I'm hyper again since no happened to me yesterday and even though it's still early to say, I think today is quite a peaceful day to start off with... Breakfast was fine, I didn't fall down when I woke from my sleep, my mom didn't play any tricks in the morning... Yeah, I'm good:D

My parents and I were in a conversation just now. Since I have like one year left(next year) and I would graduate from school... I'll be off to college if my results are good, so, next year is a crucial time for me T^T To tell you the truth I'm scared! No joke... I'm scared to death!

So, my mom was talking some stuff about about college and suddenly she said, "Next year, we can move to a house nearer to your school. Then, you can study more diligently and you can just walk back home." I just nodded and ate the cookies but then my dad was like, "NO! How can you let her walk alone? NO! It'll be her last year, and-and-and-after that she'll be..." My mom and I just look at my dad... "Okay, you can send me to school as usual," I told him casually.

LOL>< He can be so overprotective at times=.='

Hmm, but seriously, I'll be a senior in highschool next year... It's scary to think that I won't be going to school anymore after that... The thought of seperating with my friends saddens me a lot:( And the thought of growing up scares me too... I'm having mixed feelings every single time I think about going out of school and into the real world...

Will any university accept me? Will I be able to get my dream job? Will I be able to help my parents? Will I.... Yeah, a lot of questions roaming around my head right now... Starting to get a headache...

For now, I'm just going to be optimistic and embrace the future with an open-mind. I'm gonna continue doing what I love which is writing while I juggle up with my homework and study time... I'll try my best and I hope I can focus on until the end of year... I want to make my family proud... That's my aim and I would make sure that I will be able to reach that aim... HWAITING!

Hihi... yeah, I'm being too serious eh? LOL, sorry for making you feel solemn or anything but I needed to let this out of my chest:) I'll go now... Need to post up a new chappie for my story which I didn't do yesterday because I was too tired:( BYE BYE PEOPLE!


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eunhaekaisooftw #1
well then wish u the best of luck on studying dear !
hell yea no school time to party whoomp whoomp ^___^
Seeing how the seniors freaked out this year with not very good results...yeah I'm not looking forward to anything >.<
Goodluck for your final year!
i feel ya. im going to be a senior next year too. even now i feel pressured because of the many things i have to do to prepare for college. i still need to take my SATs, apply for college, etc. i still don't even know what im going to do. *sigh* i dont wanna grow up. i wanna stay a child forever. this isnt the reality i wanted. well FIGHTING to both of us!!
EunbiME #6
Awww~ I totally understand. I have like three months left as a high school student and boom, off to college.
I'm also having a hard time balancing the things I want to do and the things I need to do but every moment is still precious hahah
Still, good luck!!!~
That's what I'm currently feels right now :< I'm soooo scared, really.. the thought of being in college really scares me!! haha. and another thing, i'm still not that mature i mean i'm a little bit immature for my age, that's what bothers me >.> but what i like about my senior year is that, almost all of my classmates(including me) were close already that we bond so much and its really fun :D anyway, goodluck for the both of us ^^
crissue #8
Don't worry too much about it^^
You will be accepted to university too and pass with flying colours. Hard work pay!
Don't think about the end of year but think about how would you spend your time with your friends for the last year you all together. It might be hard but enjoyed it^^
I know you can do it :D
strive for spm kay? :)
*sigh* I have same situation as you. Last year of school next year. Seriously, just thinking about it makes me scared. Not able to meet my friend anymore. Everyone goes to different university, meet new people. Life is short..

Anyway, good luck in your studies and also your future. Fighting! ^^
hwaiting! u can do it authornim!
Don't worry, the last year of high school isn't that hard, but make sure you enjoy it! I know you prob hear it all the time, but it's true. Senior year FLIES BY and before you know it, you'll have graduated.
I think about stuff like that every day of my life...>.> it's a pain in the a** cause I worry about the future too much >.>
But hang in there! I'm sure you'll be fine!
13seconds #12
Hwaiting! You will do well, don't worry. There's no use fretting over it actually, nothing's going to change if you feel anxious. Just do your best and reach those goals you have set for yourself. :D
try to stay positive and ull do gr8 :D
am an 11 grader and i thought i wont even reach this grade.i thought ill get Fs and Ds but i ended up with As and Bs.In other words all u have to do is work hard and everything will work as u want it to be

maan the fact that me and my friends r moving to different countries...v.v one of my best friends left already and we r struggling to meet :/ but its ok ^^ ill steal her ice cream if we didnt skype soon xD so don't worry,internet is here :D