- Random -

So, this post will go as according to the title, and be about completely random things in my life.


First off, I have finally decided what song I want to do this year for the talent show (if I get in, with my untalented ), Better Than I Know Myself by Adam Lambert. I have choreographed the first 40 seconds or so of the dance already, and I really like it. (Now let's just see if I can do it with singing. Dx)


That was the good news. As for the rest of my life, it's pretty boring at the moment. I'm very confused about so many things right now. I'm losing trust in all of my friends and family, probably because of my fear of being abandoned and such. Also, I feel as though I've lost the ability to actually like a guy, as in fall-head-over-heels-for them. I want someone by my side, but at the same time, I have such high standards and such low confidence, that I don't feel good enough for anyone. (I'm not trying to beg for attention, so don't give me it.) I think my confidence is what's holding me down from so many things right now; writing, singing, dancing, school, relationships, dieting, everything. I just want to crawl into a hole, die, and be reborn as someone completely different. I compare myself ot my friends all the time, and I feel so talentless, useless, plain, ordinary. I'm not going to say I'm ugly, because I'm not actually hideous, but I'm not extroardinarily beautiful either. I'm not an amazing singer, but I'm not completely terrible either. I just wish I could wake up every morning and be happy with my reflection, with myself. But since I despise myself so much, I'm starting to hate everything and everyone around me. I'm afraid of everyone so I'm pushing them away, maybe because they gave me reasons to, I don't know. I'm in such a complicated state right now, and I can't even sleep, because I'm too tired to sleep. It doesn't make sense, I know. Anyways, I'm turning into the oddball of the century, I'd say.


My fears: 

Haphephobia: Fear of being touched.

Monophobia: Fear of being alone.

Achluophobie: Fear of darkness.

Achrophobia: Fear of heights.

Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects.

Androphobia: Fear of men.

Atychiphobia: Fear of failure.



I feel like I'm going insane with all of the thoughts boggling my mind, and I keep spacing out which is becoming really noticable. Even my teachers notice and ask me what's wrong, but I really have no simple answer. Boo, my life's a .


Anyways, on the bright side, I'm going to go raid my kitchen for food and watch Coffee Prince until my eyes fall out. Okay, goodnight my lovelies. <3



Oh...and just something extra.

T.O.P. and Seungri...yum. ^~^



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