A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)-  single

B: Birthday- January 28

C: Crushing on- Daehyun 

D: Drink you had last- water

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to- Dongjun (codename for a friend)

F: Favorite song- recently it's Let Me Be The One by Jimmy Bondoc

G: Grossest memory- none... I'm pretty careful... xD

H: Hometown- Manila, Philippines

I: In love with- Lay, Chanyeol

J: Jealous of- my very pretty bestfriends (it's really strange, my group)

K: Killed someone- no, unless you count ants. I've killed hundreds of those.

L: Longest friendship- 4 years?

M: Milkshake flavor- vanilla or chocolate

N: # of siblings- two, so that makes us three

O: 1 wish- to live a good life. Seriously. I've been thinking a lot about the future nowadays.

P: Person you last called - I don't have load, so... I don't remember.

Q: ?'s you always ask- what

R: Reason to smile- talking with someone special

S: Song last listened to- A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

T: Time you woke up- around 6 AM

U: Underwear color?- O_O white

V: Violent moment you had- I once threw something at my brother and his head bled (morbid, I know... I was just a kid then)

W: Worst habit- being too inquisitive

X: X-rays you had- don't remember...

Y: Your last time you cried- can't remember

Z: Zodiac sign- aquarius



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