More poetry.

I can’t find a reason to wake up anymore.

I’ve been holding my feelings in for so long that I’ve become sore.

My heart burns and stings day and night.

My days are always dark, never bright.

Your words echo through my ears all day long.

They pound in my head as if they were a sad song.

Our memories flash by and I do my best to hold on tight.

Sometimes I wonder, ‘Is it even worth the fight?’

I’ve tried my best to show you my heart.

Now…it’s broken and tore apart.

I just wanted you to want me as much as I wanted you.

I wanted you to realize that all these feelings were true.

I wanted to be your one and only love.

Now…push has come to shove.

I’m done, I give up, and I know I may regret it one day.

But please…don’t beg me to stay.

Don’t feed me the lies that build me up so high.

Don’t kiss me and just tell me goodbye.

Don’t pretend that I’m the most important thing in your life anymore.

Just shut me out…close your door.

Don’t whisper sweet nothings in to my ear.

It’s no longer what I want to hear.

Don’t look at me with those eyes, dont tempt me with that voice, and don’t flash me that smile.

I need to be without you for awhile.

You’ve won at the game of love, and you’ve destroyed me.

Are you happy?

I’m broken beyond repair and it’s all over now.

Go on…take your bow.



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pychify #1
Anyway this was wonderful! So jealous of your writing!! <3
pychify #2
This is exactly what my friend has been going through... it was more of a flirty guy and an innocent girl though. She ended up liking the guy.. but the guy was yeah a flirt to everyone... he didn't like her.. but she was madly inlove for years... and she broke down... but I'm glad she's doing fine now after letting go of those 3 years of unrequited love.