Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii xD

I am so bouncy and happy right now ^^ ghehe.
I have been breaking my head on where the hell do I continue studying music
and I have made up my mind; Berklee Music.
I have screened and looked at a lot of them, but this one seems to be the best one there is.
It is not cheap, but at least I will be able to follow from a distance and I can do this from
anywhere in the world, which is good, because hey, I might move again somewhere else
next year ^^
Now just fingers crossed I wiill get in (which should not be that much of a problem since I have musical 
background ^^) but you never know.....Isn't this exciting? xD

I'd say a little pre victory dance!! 




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you studying music ?? woah awesome~~ :D
okay then i'm here now crossing fingers too :D <3