Just got bored...

I'm just a girl, who can't sleep and got bored in the middle of the night...


so i made this xD its in numbers, Hangeul and Romanization~! xD (for those who can't read hangeul)


Aigo~ this is me when i'm bored... i make random stuff... >.>

anyways ENJOY! XD


Gwiyomi Counter (Cutie Conter)



1 + 1: 일 더하기 일은 귀요미 [il deohagi ireun gwiyomi]
2 + 2: 이 더하기 이는 귀요미 [i deohagi ineun gwiyomi]
3 + 3: 삼 더하기 삼은 귀요미 [sam deohagi sameun gwiyomi]
4 + 4: 사 더하기 사는 귀요미 [sa deohagi saneun gwiyomi]
5 + 5: 오 더하기 오는 귀요미 [o deohagi oneun gwiyomi]
6 + 6: 육 더하기 육은 귀요미 [yuk deohagi yugeun gwiyomi]
xDDDDD for video/demonstration...
You can make ur own gwiyomi actions too... xDDDDDDDDDDDDd


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lol ilhoon's one has been going around a lot :D ppl should see Kwangmin's one~~~ :D
The hosts' reactions. LMAO! RLAB!!! XDD