Let us take this time to pray

As you all probably know.

A couple days ago 20 children, and 8 adult were killed in New Port, Connecticut.

The children were just elementry school students, from ages 5-10.

They were so young, and died so soon.

They'll never be able to experience the wonders and excitements of life.

Like getting your first kiss, your driver's license, going to prom, getting your first job, having a family, and growing old.

None of them will experience it, and the 8 teachers that died? They won't experience many things that they could've.

So let's take this time and pray.


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AsianSensation98 #1
That was so sad to hear. :( Those poor children and adults. They didn't deserve to have their lives taken away from them. The kids will never experience things in live that we have.
R.I.P. let them be happy in Heaven. And for the families Im very sorry for there lost.