
I don't understand why I'm so heartbroken still. We were never a couple...hell you don't even know I exist! Each time I see you with her or a picture of you next to a picture of her or even when my iPod decides to hate me and puts her song after yours (or vice versa) all just hurts. It's just a part of this sad reality of mine that you really can't be mine. I don't know what made me think we would be together (I guess I'm too much a dreamer). I never even knew how bad my feelings were for you until that day that you said that you were with her. To this day, my feelings still remain. I don't know if they will change...

I don't know...

Ugh! And I just feel so stupid for feeling this way! I keep having to tell myself we aren't together...we aren't together. Those are byfar the hardest words for me to utter. And for what? It's not like you'll ever hear's not like you'll ever see me, ever notice me...

It's not like you will ever know my feelings for you...

It's not like you'll ever love me anyway...

Someone like you couldn't love me anyway...I'm 10 shades darker than you, I'm not Asian, my hair is short, and curly, and I live halfway across the world.

. This really .___.


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is it about Junhyung? I see how you're feeling but I cannot say that I perfectly understand what you're feeling, but you shouldn't be sad cause you're not asian! Trust me that love does not pick races, not because you're black or have curly hair that means...well you understand me! I've had many friends of mine feel like this and I guess I Was never right with the words but...don't feel this way trust me, it will all vanish and you won't feel this way, seeing stuff about them together will only make you feel worst, I thought my self if I saw pics of Kikwang with Hyosung I would be sad but nooooo! I'm not sad, I'm happy cause I Love to see them together, I think they should really date, what matters is to see him happy cause that makes me happy also, I'm just a fan, waiting for my hot korean to appear! Trust me Bria, one day you will look at this situation and laugh, It's normal to feel this way don't listen if others say you're obcessed or stupid for liking Junhyung, what the hell do they know, they can't speak and please don't think that races are really something to think about. You know Koreans Love Chocolat ;)
i swear this is just like my blog post from like 3 days ago. i understand how you feel bria
i feel the same way it'll get better.. maybe she's just a cover-up
junhyung? or who is this about? hara?