Must read o.o (updated 12/17/12)

So yeah, I saw this in the home page.



Should I transfer the roleplay here or no? I mean It looks cool and everything so why not try it right?

I need everyone to tell me their opinions though and of course, I still need to tell Admin kris about this though I would really like to have your opinions! Dx


It's just that.... It's hard being an admin and all o.o so yeah,


Any comment?




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Oh, I made an acc there already... But idk how to apply to roleplays.. Maybe cause this rp isnt here yet xD
[seems pretty cool]
Urh, lets see how. :)
But i dont get it. So, its like one acc per roleplayer right? But can that roleplayer visit multiple roleplays using that acc? Or stay in that acc and that roleplay? Cuz if you are in multiple roleplays its pretty much the same as using multiple accs...
We should try to see how it goes~ ouo
If it doesn't work, AFF will be always here to come back c:
Oh I understand your dilemma as I'm debating that too with my own RP :o
I just made an account there to see what it's like...
I can help you out if you do decide to move it there ^^
I want to try it out myself since it seems cool! XD

well that's just my opinion, but I'm fine with just staying here as well~ :)
TI_Chaerin #6
[I think you could give it a trial run to see how it goes. It doesn't give me any problems on my phone so I say yay!]