So, I'm gunna try this

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I'd like to make this clear, I don't own any gifs on my blog. I just get them off tumblr, so ... creds to the owners ^^" Anywho, I'm going to try to actually go through the process of making an actual story; another addition to the "Donsaeng : Mature Writing Project" (hehe, thought of that right now). Yeah, so ... wish me luck and I hope one day I'll get featured for all my hard work I put into my stories. RANT ALERT: Speaking about featured stories ... I hate that facebook/chatroom/asianfanfics stuff ~ it's not even a story. It's horrible ... sure sure they put their "all" into making it, but you can make that up on the spot. To be honest, it takes me days to figure what will happen in one single chapter that will coresspond to the last. I just want it to be perfect, but yet it never does -.- Oh well. The end of le rant. Question;do you (and lets be un-biased for a few moments) really like my stories? 


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I agree with you on your rant... >.> I like the actual storylines... I feel like a lot of people are doing the facebook/chatroom stuff just TO get featured...
Oh my!!! Zelo hunnie <3
I'm being honest and saying... I've never read your stories. I found you through your blog posts... I was like, "OMG someone like me!!!"