Till' Midnight;D

What's up? How are you guys doing? Still doing good or have gone insane too? Lol>< What a way to greet people but meh, it's just me being me! Hope you're not offended^^ So, we cool, bro?

I'm here again to ramble about my day- yesterday^^ It started off with a -ish breakfast because I accidentally took the salt instead of the sugar! Since my morning was horrible, it was kind of peaceful but boring in the afternoon=.=' At that moment I was back and forth, writing my story and stare at the wall...

But then around 5p.m or something, someone pissed me off! I gotta admit, I'm not good at controlling my temper, so, I would have to avoid eye-contact with the person who had pissed me off or else I'll start flipping tables=.=' I mean it's not that I would simply get mad but it's just sometimes people are to reckless. They would just throw words at you and expect you to embrace it! Are you ing kidding me?!

Even my mom and dad says that my temper is bad... These days, I've been trying hard to control it and also try to minimise my cursings but sometimes it just slips! What can I do? My mouth wanna say what it wanna say, so deal with it!

To minors, I'm sorry for corrupting your innocence but I know you kids learn fast these days... Enough with that. So, move on after dinner, I had to wash the dishes! My mom told me to wash them and I would sing "MAMA" bu EXO whenever I wash the dishes. I would purposely volume up when the part, "No one cares about me" comes up>__< LOL... It seems such a perfect song at that time!

After that, I went into my room and that was when I turned crazy! I plugged my earphone into my ear and blast some music. At first, I was like, "Hmm, what should I listen to?" while scrolling I suddenly saw BAP and clicked on it. It all started off with the song 'Power'... I was all over the place singing and dancing like I was in a party or something! Then, 'Warrior' came on and I started to do the 'hook' dance! LOL>< I was all over my room, spazzing, singing and dancing!

But then, 'Unbreakable' started to blast in my ears and I was like, "YEAH! I'm UNBREAKABLE! WOOOHOOO!" Then 'Crash' came along! I was singing half way of the song when suddenly some weird feeling came to me and I sat on the floor. "I wanna see them live! I wanna meet them for real!" I was like spazzing on the floor alone while 'Crash' was bursting in my ears...

I don't know what was wrong with me but I suddenly started to spazz and I wanted to meet them so bad. Keke>< So embarassing! 'Crash' ended and 'Stop it' blared in my ears. I stood up from the floor while wiping away my sweats and started to sing, dance and spazz all over the room again.... I did it until midnight! I was sweating like hell at the end and slept throughout the night without any complications^^ So, yey!


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I wish my room was big enough to dance in it >.< I was supposed to live in the city I'm studying in, but there are more students than rooms >~< So, because I was going to move out, I moved from my big room to the room that used to be a toilet... About 4 times smaller, and because of the sloping(? =they are not straight) walls it seems even smaller. So the only way I can dance is wiggle my hips, because if I move to much I would kick things from my shelves :'(
So when everybody is out, I bring my music downstairs and start dancing there ^.^ But we live with 6 people in this house and my mother works at home, so that is almost never... But blasting kpop really loud is awesome XD I've never started sweating though, I'm too lazy for that >.>
Hahahaha what a crazy day XD
haha, that kind of reminds me of myself XD
lmao u okay there? lol i feel u girl. this is like normal for me.
I was spazzing about exo in a fic last night until 5am in the morning. XD
Every girl would love to meet their bias... I wish it was easy like in fics. TAT

-BabyXOtic <3
13seconds #6
OMG haha I didn't know you could sing mama at situations like that, okaii I've got to try it out next time lulz. I get what you mean because whenever I spazz about my biases I'll feel like seeing them for real. ;A;
LOL, same!! XD I was fan-girling last night too xD