I'M SUCH A JINX~!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries*

oh dear GOD!!!!




A few weeks ago, we looked up with my mom merchandise for chrismas presents right? aaaand I saw A GORGEOUS Super Junior neckless a little like this: 



aaaand I BEGGED HER so she could buy it, she agreed and I was the happiest girl on Earth; I would FINALLY have something of Super Junior.








happens that the neckless would come here (to my country) in no less than 20 days, and my mom didn't see that. So, when she found out, she decided lo leave my neckless so the other stuff she bought would come before Christmas....


the aftermath.... a very sad Annie without her neckless





Imma cry.... seriously......... 

*runs to a corner to cry*


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aww I'm sorry :( *hugs* I hate when that happens >.<
Um, isn't that more like a bracelet? The SJ necklaces are longer than that, I have one, see --> http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/349/f/c/c360_2012_12_14_21_08_15_by_furytigresse-d5o572y.jpg
I am not gunna pity you because you used my Kyuhyun to bully me.
At least your gonna get it
Aww, don't cry unnie.! >.<