♡♥ ( The Romantic & Idol ) ♡♥ Decieving Angel~ Geum Mi Song


the romantic & idol




Song Eun Mi

Song Geum Mi





username: xLeilaRose
name: Jenny, Leila, Phoenix, Talia
activeness: 8





full name: Song Talia Geum Mi
nicknames: Princess because she is actually the only girl on her father's side,Geummie Bear or Geummi because Geum Mi sounds like Gummy, so most call her Gummy Bear. Talia because she is considered a blessing to some people, also it's her middle name, she also used to be called Skinship monster because the amount of skinship she did with people was very much and over the top.
gender: Female
date of birth & age: October 15th 1994, 18
blood type: O+
birthplace: Da Nang Vietnam
hometown: Da Nang, Vietnam(1-9), Phoenix, Arizona(10-13), & Gwangju, Korea(13-17)
ethnicity: Vietnamese-Korean
height & Weight: 160cm&46kg
spoken languages: Korean, English&Vietnamese: fluent.(English with a slight accent)





stage name: Talia/Lia Mi(Whichever you'd prefer.)
stage persona: Decieving Angel
concept: She's meant to be the innocent, cute girl that everyone could adore or that deciveing little angel that everyone would see as sweet but fierce and determined as well, and maybe a bit selfish since she barely shares certain things.
idol: Soloist
side jobs: Actress & Model/Ulzzang.
debut date: December 20th, 2011
debut single: Be My Baby(Collabration)
company: WM Entertainment (Former company: A Cube Entertainment.)
group name: N/A
group background: (Former member of A Pink)
currently promoting single: Hey Bad Boy(Jappanese single)
members: N/A





ulzzang name: Kim Shin Yeong
face photos: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
style full body photos: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
back-up ulzzang name: Lee Geum Hee(Seo Jeong Yeong)
face photos: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
style full body photos: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |





personality: She is often viewed as the hyper, & I'm innocent type of look. She can be cute, but she is not really all that innocent. She can be quite the trickster and loves pulling pranks. She is also very sweet and kind overall. She's all smiles and waaaayyy toooooo hyper for her age. Over all she's your normal, sweet heart. The only thing that's different is thats she moody and fiesty as well. She is also witty and has quick reflexes. You could also call her a camerawhore, but she's fun to be around and can be a bit conceited and shallow. She loves taking photos of herself and others. She is very childish and hard to understand by the way she words the way she speaks.
She is a bit short tempered but has been finding ways to calm herself before it gets bad. She is also a very determined person that will never give up under all that cute face. Eun Mi is a girl that everyone would find a great friend and always want to help. She could be hyper all the time, form when she wakes up to before she goes to sleep. Most wonder where all the engery she gets is from. She also talks way to much and quickly as well. She is decieving. A small girl with witts and a good heart, but actually is a bit two-faced. She can be sweet but at the same time selfish. She whines and hates being told what to do. The only times she has acted this way is when she is habving a bad day or doesn't get what she wants or maybe she just is tired of being too nice at the time. She is always clumsy no matter what though.
background: Geum Mi was always just the girl everyone adored from beginning to end. She never knew what a word like 'love' meant as a naive person, that was too oblivious to notice. She had a pretty good family. She would just always be nice to everyone and had always dreampt of becoming a successful idol. Ever since childhood everyone had told her that she would never make it because she wasn't the prettiest person. Her parents had always told her that only pretty people make it into the bussiness but she still didn't care. She had been bullied throughtout her life but stood strong and tall, even when she cried. She is deteremined to succeed and is proud of what she is doing now, which is also proving everyone wrong. What you didn't know is that this was the start of her two-faced personality.
At the beginning of her career, she moved from Gwangju to Seuol, so Geum Mi was a country girl, with a big dream. What you didn't know or wouldn't think of is that she was supposed to work with A Cude Entertainment before they dropped her as not ready. She never minded insults(on the outside) so she was fine. She then was scouted by WM entertainment and became a soloist. She had always been two-faced so they figured that it was perfect for a certain figure they wanted to produce. One that is sweet and charming, but also spoiled and diva-ish.
likes: She likes pulling pranks on others because she loves seeing their reactions, she likes to sleep with a stuffed kitty cat because that was the last thing her brother got her before deciding to go to america, Geum Mi likes to take walks at night because she likes nighttime and the wind. She also likes stargazing because she loves the feeling she gets when outside with the stars. She also likes reading because she likes to get away from the own stress of life sometimes and is a er for spending money.
dislikes: She hates heights because she gets a weird feeling in her stomach when she looks down and being a bit clumsy doesn't help. She dislikes when others give her hugs without premission even though she does a lot of skin ship it's because there was this one person that almost her when she was younger, she also dislikes thunder because it makes loud noises and she endured them alone as a child. She dislikes blood because...she had a scarring image of it once. She also dislikes being alone because she actually used to be very lonely as a small child.
hobbies: She takes walks at night, reading, stargazing.
fears: Heights(Acrophobia), Thunder(Astraphobia), & Blood(Hemophobia).
habits: Giggles constantly, bites lips alot, skips meals, teeth,  saying Entertain Me when bored, & pouts unintentionally.
She can do a ton of aegyo,
She can change emotions fast,
A large range of vocals,
Has a lot of energy.
  • Geum Mi has a collection of videos that no one knows about. Geum Mi is not innocent.
  • She normally had weird relationships.
  • She likes to sing, act and dance.
  • Geum Mi was supposed to debut with A Pink but A Cube Entertainment decided that she didn't have enough talent and she wasn't the type they needed BEFORE the release of the members and her teasers.
  • She is a bit moody.
  • She often skips meals because she used to be teased for weight when younger so it has become an unhealthy habbit even though it is mostly done without realising.
  • She's bipolar for no reason.(My note: like me. OTL)
  • She has a habit to say, Entertain Me, when not meaning anything at all.
  • She is a country side girl.
  • Geum Mi is really clumsy and has really bad moodswings.
when you're in love: Geum Mi normally starts to stutter more often and tends to hide her feelings when she's in love. In love, she tends to kind of be a bully to her crush and blush alot. She's still witty, the only proble is that she tends to zone out more often when in love. She normally fiddles with her fingers and plays with her hair as she speaks, and she tends to answer questions shyly more often than before. Also she babbles more often. THe reason why she does this is that she normally thinks the other is too good for her.





Father | Song Baek Jin(Park Yong Ha) | 49 | Soft ware designer | Charming, Strong, Funny & Wonderful |  He's wonderful and mainly where she gets her looks from. Yes, her father used to be a pretty boy. They speak well and he is trying to get used to supporting his little girl in her dreams. He actually works in Seuol when the family moved a year ago(2011).
Mother | Mai Quynh Phoung(Vo Hoang Yen) | 46 | A kindergarden teacher | Strict, Loving, Silly & Moody | She's where she gets her moodswings that go like no tomorrow, but her daughters is even more worse. Of course they get along well and her mother is unsupportative of her dream since she didn't continue school, but she trusts her daughters choice no matter what, and has to admit, she's surprisingly proud of Geum Mi.
Younger Brother | Song Jung Daekyun(Lee Do Hyeong) | 16 | Student | Wild, Crazy, Caring, & Supportative | They were just like anyother siblings. Crazy and fun who argue a ton and can't get over anything. They also cared for one another, despite her disapproval of how he treated girls, but nonetheless, he supported his sister willingly, unlike their parents, I mean. Who wouldn't want an idol for a sibling?


OC friends:
Intimate/best friends | Kim Ryokyung(Shin Gwang Chul) | 19 | Model | Loveable, Firty, Blunt, &  Adorable | Actually they are very touchy with each other and love giving nicknames to each other. They always are constantly on&off with different feelings and always have fun with one another.


idol friends:
Friends | Ham Seungjin | 18 | A-Jax | Cute, Funnny, Playful & Charmistic | They are very close and don't see each other often because of shedules but still meet and call every once in a while. 
Labelmates/friends | Gong Chanshik | 19 | B1A4 | Awkward, Shy, Quiet, & Sweet |  They are very close as labelmates and can be considered friends.  They also speak every once in a while and see each other often, being managed by the same company, WM Entertainment. |





ultimate bias/ideal type
Ultimate Bias: Changjo(I don't have an ultimate bias OTL but I'll just chose at random LOL-somanytochoosefrom-) 
Ideal Type: Some one that is kind and hardworking. One that can make her laugh and she can't stay mad at. She wants someone who will be with her no matter how she's doing. Someone who isn't shy to express their feelings torwards her. She wants them to be able to prove they love her. She also has a thing for boys that are older than her for some reason. She needs someone that will support her and someone that can take care of her. Geum Mi wants someone to show her they care and doesn't care how possesive or attached she is. She likes someone that is different and somewhat caring, someone who is also a good listener.
which is your favorite kpop band? AJAX, B1A4, EXO, SHINee, BAP & Teen Top.


ideal typeApperance: Maybe a blonde, or just someone hot that could fit her. She is big on how cute they are and how their eyes and tongue attracts her. She also needs them to be taller than her of course.(LOL I find how I wrote this funny for some reason :P
Personality: They can't be jerks, and someone that she could aurgue with or leave her speechless. She also wants him to be sweet and caring for her. She doesn't care if their erted or anything and she loves dealing with problems. Well it depends. She wants a guy who's strong and playful and loves her just the way she is.
ideal date top:
1. Cable Car Ride
2. Walk at the Beach
3. Pinic in the Park
4. Shopping at the market street





things you dislike in a guy/girl (bullets form):
  • They don't listen
  • They are rude, and a bit insenitive towards her feelings.
  • They lie
  • Not cute.


the first thing you notice when you see a guy/girl: "Their eyes, hair, face, tongue...I mean...their lips."
what do you think about skin-ship? "I'm Personally a very big fan of skinship, one of my old nicknames used to be Skinship monster~"
do you fall in love easily? "Yes, I'm a fool for love, or you can say er. Whatever you want."
do you get jealous easily? "YES. Very much so. I'm sure."
would you want to end up as a couple with someone? "Well, I don't go looking around for love. So I guess, but I don't mind if it does happen. I can only hope that person would be able to handle me." My answer: SURE. If its okay? ouo"





comments: ...I hope that it's okay if I did those questions above in how she'd answer them...I just wanted to give a preview of how she speaks, even if your going to be asking how she would react I just wanted to show you ^^ I actually love her habbits because I actually know some people that have those habbits.../includingme/ and I'm just a ranhdom type of person so...Good luck with the story~ ouo.


questions: N/A


suggestions & scene request(s): Someone reminds her to actually eat and she starts giggling. (random first thought that came to mind")


password: "Never love anything that can't love you back." -Bruce Williams














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