3 Words Survey

MUST USE 3 WORDS ONLY, no more, no less.


1. Where is your cell phone?
>>> Beside my laptop.
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?
>>> Do not have.
3. Hair?
>>> Short brown hair.
4. Your mother?
>>> A nagging woman. (don't kill me mom!)
5. Your father?
>>> A smart man.
6. Your favorite item?
>>> Laptop and iPhone.
7. Your dream last night?
>>> Didn't have one.
8. Your favorite drink?
>>> Ice Cream Soda.
9. Your dream guy/girl?
>>> Fishy Lee Donghae.
10. The room you are in?
>>> In my bedroom.
11. Your fear?
>>> A freaking lizard.
12. What do you want to be in 10 years?
>>> Not decide yet.
13. Who did you hang out with last night?
>>> My lovely laptop.
14. What are you not?
>>> A KPOP idol.
15. Are you in love?
>>> A big NO.
16. One of your wish list items?
>>> Attend Kpop Concert.
17. The last thing you did?
>>> Read oneshot fanfic.
18. What are you wearing?
>>> T-Shirt and shorts.
19. Your favorite book?
>>> All in rack.
20. The last thing you ate?
>>> A sausage bun.
21. Your life?
>>> Always with laptop.
22. Your friends?
>>> So damn awesome!
23. What are you thinking about right now?
>>> Eating my lunch.
24. Your car?
>>> I don't have.
26. What are you doing at this moment?
>>> Answering this survey.
27. Your summer?
>>> With my laptop.
28. Your relationship status?
>>> Married with bias.
29. What is on your TV screen?
>>> It's switch off.
30. When is the last time you laughed?
>>> Watched Yoona rap.
31. Last time you cried?
>>> I forgot it.
32. School?
>>> Miss my school ;( .
Stolen from Nick-ah!! :3
It's kinda hard though. >.<
You guys MUST. TRY.
Especially my bestie :L


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