3 Words Survey {Stolen from a lot of people :3}

MUST USE 3 WORDS. (no more no less)

Not as easy as you might think...(or is it?!)


1. Where is your cell phone?

> not with me

2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?

> want a boyfriend  :3

3. Hair?

> black and long

4. Your mother?

> can be annoying

5. Your father?

> spoiled me sometimes

6. Your favorite item?

> Choi Minho's everything

7. Your dream last night?

> didn't have one

8. Your favorite drink?

> water, soda, smoothies

9. Your dream guy/girl?

> Choi freaking Minho

10. The room you are in?

> My aunt's room

11. Your fear?

> if SHINee disband ;~~~;

12. What do you want to be in 10 years?

> Choi Minho's wife <3

13. Who did you hang out with last night?

> Myself, laptop & bed

14. What are you not?

> beautiful Korean girl

15. Are you in love?

> with Minho baby <3

16. One of your wish list items

> SHINee, Super Junior, SNSD <333

17. The last thing you did?

> took a shower

18. What are you wearing?

> comfortable, warm pj C:

19. Your favorite book?

> not a reader x.x

20. The last thing you ate?

> I don't remember

21. Your life?

> without SHINee

22. Your friends?

> can be y 

23. What are you thinking about right now?

> SHINee, SHINee, SHINee

24. Your car?

> I'm still underage...

26. What are you doing at this moment?

> Hello? Survey! Hello?!

27. Your summer?


28. Your relationship status?

> married, Choi Minho

29. What is on your TV screen?

> TV's not on...

30. When is the last time you laughed?

> today at school

31. Last time you cried?

> I don't remember







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haha =)))
yup.. i do want to have a bf =)) xDD
leehomshineef4321 #2
hahahahha it seems so hard to do