Suuuurvey (stolen from Love_Infinite)


Are you ready for some questions that you rarely find in other surveys?


Do you your lips?

all the time

Last reason you smiled?

i said something stupid and my friends made fun of me and we all laughed

Who was the first person to text you this morning?

my best fraaaand

If someone is doing something that pisses you off, do you tell them?

yes i don't give a

Does your phone have to be charged every day?


When’s the last time you were surprised?

today when i got home the christmas stuff was up and i didn't notice then BAM lights everywhere idk

When was the last time you hugged someone?


How much money have you spent today?

five dolla

How do you feel about your hair right now?

i need a trim but other than that i like it

What was the first thing you did this morning?

wash my face

Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you?

nope i say hi back really excitedly and stuff 

If you died today would your life be complete?

no are you cRAZY

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?


If you are being extremely quiet, what does that mean?

i'm tired or not feeling well. or really pissed off.

Have you had your birthday yet this year?


Are you ticklish?

i'm probably the most ticklish person i know omg

Are you a jealous person?

sort of i guess

Do you like ice cream?


How many pillows do you sleep with?


Has anything happened to you in the past month that made you really upset?


Would you ever get your s pierced?

maybe if i was reaaaally

Current music playing?

kpop as always what kind of question is that

Who was the last person to piss you off?

dis i strongly dislike

Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile?

very easy, unless i'm sad or not feeling well

Ever cried on the phone with somebody?


Does anyone think you are a ?

i'm sure there's a few.

Are your toe nails painted pink?

yes actually

If you could change your eye color would you?


Do you like to have long hair or short hair?


Have you ever met someone who is amazing?

all my friends are amazing

Who’s hoodie did you wear last?

my brother's

How are you feeling at this exact moment in time?


What is on your agenda for tomorrow?

go to school, finish cpr certification, go somewhere with some friends

Will you be in bed within twenty minutes?


Who were you with at 4 am this morning?

...myself? um.

Are you angry with anyone?

i'm forever angry at so many people you don't even understand

Are you watching TV while doing this?


Who was the last person to call you?

my best fraaaand

Do you have any bruises?


Have you had in the last 12 hours?


Do you believe exes can't really ever be “just friends”?

of course they can

Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else?


Did you have a good day today?

it was alright i guess

Is there a girl that knows everything about you?


Do you have feelings for someone?

somewhat. it's confusing.

Do you look at the keyboard when you type?

nope haha i have keyboard skillz

What’s running through your mind right now?

too much and yet not enough (the deep words of an author everybody snap for me)

Does it bother you when people respond to you with one word answers?


Where is your cell phone?

in my pocket

Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?


Ever had a girl best friend?

my best friend right now is a girl

Does anyone hate you?

yes lmfao it's actually pathetic

Are you in a relationship?

with my readers hohoho~

Have you ever done something ual that you regret?


Do you like to sit in the sun, and tan when it’s hot out?


Do you worry too much?

sometimes, other times i don't worry enough.

Ever had a teacher that you wanted to punch in the face?

there's always at least one every year.

Have you ever been so drunk you puked?


What is your least favorite class period?

fourth (gym ew)

Do you ever wonder what it’d be like to be the opposite ?

i guess but i'm pretty sure that if i was a guy i'd have a 24/7

If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?

sushi and green tea ice cream

What sport do you like better: volleyball or football?


Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you?

last year this freshman was OBSESSED with everything i did it was so weird

Ever been close to dying?

multiple times. i used to be really depressed and actually contemplated suicide, but then i found kpop and it's getting better.

Can you drive, and if you can, do you like it?

not yet, i get my permit soon though.

Do you know anyone named Josh or Patrick?


Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret?

i haven't kissed anyone L O L

How many people with the name Taylor do you know?

a few i guess

Do you like french fries?

more like love

Have you ever ate so much you puked?

i think so

Is your best friend the same as you?


Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance?

too much

Do you tell people you love them just to get what you want?

not really, i don't say i love you very often.

Do you wear makeup?


When is your birthday?

december (not telling the day HA YOU'LL NEVER KNOW MY IDENTITY)

Would you rather run or walk?


Are you close with your father?

very i love my daddy <3

Would you rather go to Greece or France?


Ever been to Mexico?


Do you like to ride your bike, if you have one?


What is your favorite fast food place?

uh wendy's i guess i'm not really a fan of fast food

Did you ever wet the bed when you were little?


Would you ever give up your life for a friend?

in a heartbeat

What do you like to do on Saturdays?


Have you ever broke someones heart or have been heart broken?


What do you like better: Dr. Pepper or Pepsi?

neither. soda's disgusting.

How do you like to eat your eggs, if you like them at all?

sunny side up and hard boiled

Ever had really bad service at a restaurant?


Would you rather eat cookies or brownies?


Do you think you could survive a day without eating or drinking anything?

easily. i could survive a week food scares me.

Would you rather be able to not talk for a week or not hear for a week?

not talk

What is your favorite day of the week, and why?

friday because i usually hang out with my best friend and watch movies all night

Ever met someone you wish you hadn’t?


Ever been so lonely you cried?

all the time

If you found out you got someone pregnant, what would you do?

well i can't do that soooo LOL. but srsly if i was a guy and got someone pregnant, i'd take responsibility and be the best father i could possibly be.

Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?



Well that wasted some time I guess ^^;



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