Did you know? I just did. Just now.

The front page is different o.o

I am not a friend of our boss Nichi's but I managed to stalk his blogs via my friends blogs. I feel so bad doing this. (No, not really)

Anyway, the front page now also features Popular Stories of the day. It doesn't necessarily mean that only popular authors' stories would make it to the list. Every story has a chance. 

I also noticed that Rated M stories can now be featured once again. Just not in the front page. The box is in the right side bar. Hurray for writers! I mean, mature writers. Not that they are really mature. They just write rated or mature stories. Oh what am I saying.

Good news for Keeper and all RPers! Boss is creating a new platform for you guys. Solely for RP. So if you wanna help boss in testing it out, add him as a friend (search Nichiren) and then comment in that specific blog post. You'll know which post it is just by the title. Weeeee! Isn't it wonderful? You won't be bothering others who are not into RP anymore because you'll have your own place where you get to play with your own kind. Yay!


Important reminder: Be polite. Always. To everyone. Especially when talking to your elders. Most especially when said elder is the creator of this site. Guys, why must you send emails of that nature? What would you feel when after working so hard on a feature, you receive complaints? Learn to say thank you. Then try the feature first. List the pros and cons. Everything has pros and cons. So don't get too hyper and whine about every little change.  


My goodness. Is it that important to be popular? When will people be content with the algorithm? No matter how many times boss tweaked it, there will always be someone complaining. Seriously. Just get rid of that feature that features. Lol. Gah. No, keep it there. And let them stress over why they or their favorite authors are not featured. Gah.



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I feel bad for sir nichi having to go through all these stuff. This is so sweet of you supporting him. LOL at you being a stalker.. ^_^

haha.. at the popularity thing.. I can only laugh.. (Why is keeper not featured? hmmmff!!.. is it something like that?) hehe..
yap, so many changes, and yet, Boss Nichi will receive complaints left and right, tsk tsk tsk can't please these kids
yap, there are more chances now to be featured, and these kids still complain about it tsk tsk tsk
the mature fics, hmmmm Boss Nichi thought those should/could not be featured because of their contents and possible complaints and should only be featured in the 'Matured feature' I don't know if Boss Nichi will have to tweak the algorithm again
And, yeah, the RP, Boss Nichi is giving them their own space
I've noticed it. :D

BTW! Need to tell you something. XD