



AFF Name: alice0826

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Character Name: Ahn Mary

Age: 17

Birthdate: Aug. 26, 1994

Background: Real parents died because of an airplane crash. She was adopted by a russian family that made her feel like their her real family. <3

Personality: She's boyish on the outside and girly on the inside. She have a split personality. If you piss her off you might want to give her banana milk or you'll die. She loves pranking people and she's really funny. Doesn't let anyone boss her around and she hates it if anyone eats her food. She loves dancing the most but can play any instruments if you'll give her a day to learn it. She loves playing games and sports. She have many guy friends than friends that are girls. Which made people misunderstand her that she's a flirt. She doesn't drink because she's allergic to it. She loves fashion a lot too. She pretty frank to people. She hates annoying people the most. She thinks loving guys is disgusting and having relationships is too.. Urgh. She loves watching horror movies or action movies. Actually, her hobby is watching movies except LOVE STORIES. She also loves reading books. And she's in love with the TV show CSI.

Likes: Banana Milk, Books, Movies, Eating, Music, DANCING, Games, SPORTS, adventures

Dislikes: Clowns, Insects, Worms, Annoying people

Hobbies: Eating, Drinking banana milk, watching movies, dancing, reading books, playing games

Habits: Her eyes twitches when she's angry. She pouts when she's sleepy.


Ulzzang: Lee Eun Ji



Desired Partner: (up to 3) Heechul, Junho 2PM, L.Joe


Why you love him: Their HOT and cool. :D



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