Dont have to read!

I take art and I have to do an assessment, but its on felting(don't ask what it is, it's not really important). So I'm really REALLY shy; I start doing my assessment but did it wrong. So I thought of something to cover up my mistake but my teacher comes to me and asks what I'm doing, she said it looked nothing like what I Planned to do and I got really shy and didn't answer. She was like my fav teacher. And then she left for a bit and came back, but she told me to stay behind. She asked me if I wanted to do a painting instead of felting and I said yes. But when I got home I started to feel bad but I'm not sure whether its guilt, because I am always not participating in stuff because of my shyness, so I feel as if I'm irritating her . Or I feel upset because I couldn't meet the standards of my other classmates and did it terribly wrong. So I feel bad and depressed... this is just a little stupid and personal but I wanted to get it out of me... sorry for wasting your time ;(


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Joontaemint #1
I know people that are shy and being shy isn't going to get you anywhere. You have to be confident and do whatever you want because it's just people. People's judgments in highschool won't affect the way or the quality of your work. If you believe in yourself than nothing can change your motivation. It's the real world that counts, not your school because in a few years those will be behind you and you'll be judged by people that will really matter like a boss or something. I'm not saying you can change overnight, but try to get more involved even thought your shy, I know it may seem easier said than done, but there is someone that will listen to your ideas and help you. So little by little try to get involved because it not only helps you it also helps you learn new things yourself and about other people. But don't be sad and depressed there's always a brighter side. I hope I helped and DON'T BE SHY!