Another Personal Survey :)


Are you ready for some questions that you rarely find in other surveys?

Yes. :D


Do you your lips?

Yes. Alot. All the time.


Last reason you smiled?

..IDK. I smile all the time. :)


Who was the first person to text you this morning?

...Franklins. Yeah... I'm not social...


If someone is doing something that pisses you off, do you tell them?

Nup. It's a bit hard to piss me off that much. 


Does your phone have to be charged every day?

No, i barely touch my phone.


When’s the last time you were surprised?

When a certain someone called me while i was in stupid tutoring, 2hrs ago.


When was the last time you hugged someone?

Hmm... Today? 


How much money have you spent today?

NONE! I feel proud of my self. :D


How do you feel about your hair right now?

I like. ^^ My hair is sooo black. 


What was the first thing you did this morning?

I have the habit of checking my watch as soon as i open my eyes. ^^


Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you?

Nup. Hi back. :)


If you died today would your life be complete?

No. But i would be content. 


Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?

Yesh. I keep having random muscle cramps in the middle of the night and it hurts like hell. :(


If you are being extremely quiet, what does that mean?

That i'm thinking or eating. :D


Have you had your birthday yet this year?




Are you ticklish?



Are you a jealous person?

I always say i'm jealous but i'm not actually...


Do you like ice cream?

YESH. :D ICECREAM ICECREAM, I'll MELT YOU DOWN LIKE ICECREAM. Yeah.. i don't even like the song...


How many pillows do you sleep with?



Has anything happened to you in the past month that made you really upset?

Yes. School lunch group is being stupid. >:(


Would you ever get your s pierced?

...Heck no.


Current music playing?

Catch Me- TVXQ <3


Who was the last person to piss you off?

I have no's been a while...


Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile?

Yesh. Seeing people, i smile. :)


Ever cried on the phone with somebody?



Does anyone think you are a ?

Don't know~


Are your toe nails painted pink?


If you could change your eye color would you?

I'm fine with it. But it'll be interesting to see what i look like with other colours. ^^


Do you like to have long hair or short hair?



Have you ever met someone who is amazing?



Who’s hoodie did you wear last?

Mine. :P


How are you feeling at this exact moment in time?

Bored. And a bit sleepy...


What is on your agenda for tomorrow?

School. :(


Will you be in bed within twenty minutes?

Probably. It's 11:15pm right now...


Who were you with at 4 am this morning?

My dreams... :D


Are you angry with anyone?



Are you watching TV while doing this?



Who was the last person to call you?

charmallama~ :D


Do you have any bruises?



Have you had in the last 12 hours?

...I'm a bit young to engage in ....that type of stuff...


Do you believe exes can't really ever be “just friends”?

Maybe. Depends.


Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else?



Did you have a good day today?

Yes~. We had a Christmas party today at tutoring. :D


Is there a girl that knows everything about you?

Nup. Never will. 


Do you have feelings for someone?

My friends? :D Romantically, no.


Do you look at the keyboard when you type?

Yes. I am a technology noob.


What’s running through your mind right now?

I should sleep.


Does it bother you when people respond to you with one word answers?



Where is your cell phone?

On my desk


Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?

Yes. Sadly, in order to get to school on time, i must wake up at 6:30. :(


Ever had a girl best friend?

Of course. 


Does anyone hate you?

Not that i know of?


Are you in a relationship?

...No. Last time i talked to a guy was 2 weeks ago. Before that maybe 4 months. :\


Have you ever done something ual that you regret?

...No. I am too young to engage in that activity.


Do you like to sit in the sun, and tan when it’s hot out?

Psh. I'm already really dark and do not want to get any darker. So no.


Do you worry too much?

Worry too little. > <


Ever had a teacher that you wanted to punch in the face?



Have you ever been so drunk you puked?

Not of drinking age. So no.


What is your least favorite class period?

Science. As usual. 


Do you ever wonder what it’d be like to be the opposite ?

All the time.


If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?

Food. :D Idk.


What sport do you like better: volleyball or football?



Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you?

I have been really annoyed. In primary school this one guy would not stop bugging me..yeah...


Ever been close to dying?

Haha i'm such a careless person that i once got run over by a bus. For some time after that, my friends would punch me whenever they saw a bus. :L


Can you drive, and if you can, do you like it?



Do you know anyone named Josh or Patrick?

Yes. These are common Aussie names. > <


Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret?

... I haven't kissed anyone besides my family before....


How many people with the name Taylor do you know?

Three. Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner and Taylor Momsen. So no. 


Do you like french fries?



Have you ever ate so much you puked?



Is your best friend the same as you?



Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance?

Well, i am a girl...


Do you tell people you love them just to get what you want?

No. I think it's plain strange. Not meaning to offend anyone.


Do you wear makeup?



When is your birthday?

August 4. Same as Obama. XD


Would you rather run or walk?

Walk. I hate running. :(


Are you close with your father?



Would you rather go to Greece or France?

Greece. I'm a history freak. :P


Ever been to Mexico?

Sadly, no.


Do you like to ride your bike, if you have one?

Yes. :D


What is your favorite fast food place?

Don't have one.


Did you ever wet the bed when you were little?

Who didn't?


Would you ever give up your life for a friend?



What do you like to do on Saturdays?

Sleep. Go on my laptop. Eat.


Have you ever broke someone's heart or have been heart broken?



What do you like better: Dr. Pepper or Pepsi?

Tea. Or milk.


How do you like to eat your eggs, if you like them at all?

Any way. I like them fried or boiled, or scrambled.


Ever had really bad service at a restaurant?



Would you rather eat cookies or brownies?



Do you think you could survive a day without eating or drinking anything?

Yeah. But then the next day i would go binge eating. :P


Would you rather be able to not talk for a week or not hear for a week?

Not talk. 


What is your favorite day of the week, and why?

Saturday. It's my free-est day.


Ever met someone you wish you hadn’t?



Ever been so lonely you cried?



If you found out you got someone pregnant, what would you do?

... Technically i can't, but i would take responsibility. 


Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?

Not really. From time to time.


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@Birthday: You might have presidential abilities XD