
As you guys know, I haven't updated Pinky Promise in such a long time.  I've been on a very tight schedule.  I'm ranked number 2 on my school's varsity tennis team, I'm a senator in my school's student body, I'm in a health career program, and I'm studying for my advanced placement classes.  When I tried to write the next chapter, my brother would ask me to babysit or I'd have to run errands like assist my grandmother to the grocery store since she can't drive.  I'm sorry for leaving you guys hanging.  Don't think that I don't care because I do care about you guys!  I don't want to say that I'm on hiatus, but if I'm gone longer, I probably will announce it.  

Please don't lose interest in me and wait for me to update! ^^


And btw, I would like to say that Pinky Promise is going to an end in about 3-4 (an estimation) chapters.  I have a new story in mind, but I haven't had the time to write out the forewords or anything.   

Please anticipate the ending to Pinky Promise and the start to my new story.  I don't want to reveal much, so yeah...

Why did I even put myself in so many activities?  I miss updating on a weekly basis. :/  Oh the sad life of an Asian teenager trying to be an overachiever. :(


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