˚★ℳetric☾◎ηstellations★˚||Graphic&Review; Shop||【OfficiallyOpen】


Hello everyone!!!!

I just want to advertise me and my sister graphic and review shop. 

It is called ˚★ℳetric☾◎ηstellations★˚||Graphic&Review Shop||【OfficiallyOpen】

ToxicGyu is the graphic designer, while I am the reviewer. 

We just barely open this shop on Sunday. 

I hope you guys come and visit the shop. 

It would be lovely if you request a graphic or review.

If you read my stories, you can see that all the poster are made by ToxicGyu. If you visit our shop, the layout and everything is made by ToxicGyu, while I made the Graphic's and Review's Forums.

We currently had finish 1 poster and is currently working on the other one. 

Go to ˚★ℳetric☾◎ηstellations★˚||Graphic&Review; Shop||【OfficiallyOpen】to find out more about us and the shop!!!




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