ABC Surveyyy


Stolen from @JinChan.

A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.): y, free, and single.


B: Birthday: October 4th


C: Crushing on: A guy I will always refer to as "Vinny"


D: Drink you had last: Water


E: Easiest person(s) to talk to: Best prendd


F: Favorite song: 60 Seconds- Kim Sunggyu


G: Grossest memory: Let me think about this one...


H: Hometown: Rainy, rainy, Washington


I: In love with: A bunch of Korean/Chinese dudes who don't know of my existence


J: Jealous of: Those fangirls who get to see their favorite oppas. Like, why can't they come here?! D'x


K: Killed someone: Many times... in my dreams.


L: Longest friendship: 6 years, since 5th grade :)


M: Milkshake flavor: Banana chocolate chip


N: # of sibling: 1 older brother, 1 older sister


O: 1 wish: I have too many!


P: Person you last called: My dad, a few weeks ago?


Q: ?’s you always ask: "What?" "What the fuuuuu?!" "Are you stupid?!" "How do you do this?!"


R: Reason(s) to smile: K-pop, Asian boys, best prends, funny things


S: Song last listened to: Telephone- Lady Gaga lol


T: Time you woke up: 6:10


U: Underwear color?: Blue + white


V: Violent moment you had: I've punched my friend in the arm, she punched my leg 10x harder :'(


W: Worst habit: Saying "what?" a lot. It annoys my friends lol


X: X-rays you had: My stomach, I forgot why. It was years ago.


Y: Your last time you cried: Thanksgiving I think


Z: Zodiac sign: Libra



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#1 a libra tooo
Omg. LOL. Vinny~~~~ Vinny, Vinny, Vinnyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 >:D