Looking for a BFF on AFF~

The title says it all~

I'm looking for a BFF that I can fool around, play around, joke around with~

Anyone up for it?:D

The requirements are:

Online once a day.

Joker, fun to be around with.

Able to tolerate my craziness.

Able to be there for me to talk to~

Able to spazz with me!

And that's pretty much it!^^

I'm all alone in AFF and I don't have any friends I can really talk to without being awkward ): I feel so lonely whenever I see other users able to mention their friends and know them so well, able to write things for them too D:

Inbox me if you're interested!

Be my BFF and I'll give you lots of kisses everyday ♥♥♥


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giveee me kissses!! :D if you can handle my weirdness
kinri08 #2
We are pretty same! I dont have any best friend in aff...sometimes im awkward but sometime i can be crazy. Hehehehe hope we can be friend!
hmmm... request denied. you shall my shexshi slave.
Nich111 #4
Ha, we're the same. I have no one to talk to or be all super friendly weird with XD Then again I'm really awkward and boring to talk to, sooo...hope you'll find a bff on here X,DDD
Been looking for one for a looooong time. :)
I'll be glad to be your friend..=)
Memememe!!! XDD