How Much Do YOU know about yourself? o_o


Hey there!

Real Name: Jennifer Nguyen

Nickname(s):Jen, Jenny, Jen Jen, & Mushu :D

Birth date:  March 7,1996

Height: I'm about...Five feet..I think.. I'm short.. SHORT.

Weight: OMGG~ Well, I just got back from the weight goes up & down..i'M NOT SUREE~ lol

Original hair color: blackkkkkk

Eye color: Light Brownnn :D

Piercing(s): on my ears... but i kind of want cardaridge...I think thats how you spell it? LOL


I like you! 

Favorite Color: pink..? Purple?

Favorite Drink(s): ...... H2O YOOOO~

Favorite Food(s): Anything that is asian food related :D

Favorite Season(s): Winnnnterr<3


I hate you!

Least favorite color: hmm... I like all the colors in the rainbow :)

Least favorite drink: ......Uhh I have none...OH! CARROT & V8... EW..

Least favorite food: fried Sushi...ew sorry.

Least favorite season(s):  hm...I have none?


I'm a good girl? Or bad?

My duties at home: uhhh, the house chores...

My duties at school: LEARN...LEARN...&LEARN...OH & DANCE<33

My duties outside school and house: Uh.. I'm not sure..

My attitude at home: a CRAZY kpop fan. the end.

My attitude at school: crazy..LOUD...

My attitude outside school and house: trying not to be antisocial~


I'm an artist!

Skills: Dance<3

Hidden talent:  hmm.. I haven't discovered it..yet?

Drawing: I'm an artist at drawing sticks figures :D

Singing: the only time I sing is in the shower :D


Any other: I can talk in many different accents :D


I'm not supposed to

What were you doing before this: listening to music 

What are you supposed to do right now: finishing my english hw& then shower~

What were you thinking when you saw the blog title: Curious..

What were you thinking when you did this blog: I need to fart.. LMAO. 

My type

Boyfriend Ideal type: Well...of course i want him to be taller than me, funny, cute, great personailty...he has a dorky side of know? not like smart dork but he can have his droky cute moments... you know? LOL theres more...but then it will take up with WHOLE PAGE...SO..going onn~

Friends Ideal type 2: if we make each other laugh & trust each other...then YOUR MY BFF!

Teachers Ideal type 3:... a COOOL laid back teacher :D

Myself Ideal type 4: There are things that I want to change... so yeahhh~ LOL


 Stole from  exopanda ^^

Okayy..Now back to homeworkk~



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my fingers be stealin' LOL. omg omg you're very... talented and hyper lol
Mashimairu #2
Your so funny and seems very energetic :)
It's cartilage! Hahaha