Random 20 Questions (Stolen off --OrangeCandy--)


1. Grab the book nearest to you. What is the first sentence of the third paragraphy of the 6th page? 

"Right" They all said. 

2. What is the poster nearest to you of? 

SNSD- Paparazzi *Smiles*

What was the first CD you bought? 

SNSD- The Boys

What was the first song you heard by your favourite band? 

I heard Ring Ding Dong first....

What was the first album you bought by your favourite band? 

(Refer to Question 3)

What is your guilty pleasure? 

Ehm... food..? I Guess... 

How would you murder your victims? 

It depends. If they really piss me off I'll torture them to a slow and painful death. If they were alright... They might die a quick and painless death. 

What would you do if you were a ghost? 

Haunt People 4 Fun...? IDK

What is a super power you wish you had? 

The ability to control Water... 

What is something from your daily routine? 


What is your biggest unpopular opinion? 

What's that...? 

What is an instrument you hated playing...? 

I hve nothing... XP 

Where would you time travel to and what would you do there? 

I wouldn't travel... I would save the privelige until later. 

Favourite: Things to put in a sandwich? 


Favourite: object in your room? 


Favourite: shoe you own? 

High Heels...? XP 

Favourite: Band Member? 


Favourite: Song by favourite artist? 

Not Alone- SNSD and Romantic- Shinee. 

Ship to hate? 

I don't know... 

Favourite: Memory? 

I don't know... all the good ones..?


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