I Want To Get In a Coma

I want to get in a coma and see what my friends will do...Will they care? Will they cry? Or will simply go"oh she's out of our lives and we don't have to care now"...I really wanna see their reactions,plus also what if I wake and don't remember them because they were the last thing on my mind and how I was thinking about trying to fix our friendship everyday. I have so much insecurity, I don't know what to do.. I want them to be in my shoes and try to feel what I feel.




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Hahaha~~ we have the same thoughts
You know your not the only one with problems. Ofcourse we'll care why wouldn't we? You say we don't but we really do...You know...sometimes...I don't even know why I met you..I knew I was going to hurt you..I knew it..I can't fix anything it's either...you go out of my friendship and be happy with them or I leave you all. I'm tired of all this I just want to relax..stay..back..feel as if I don't belong here. Everyday..everyday when you guys see me smile..I might seem happy but I'm not.. it never works yes I may laugh like I'm really laughing,which I am..but My Life is hard to and I don't think venting on here could help no way whatsoever with me. Do what you do and I'll do me. I'll get out of your way,but if you whatsoever hurt or threaten them I just want you to know. Those are my friends they do care,they do get hurt,they do get annoyed by people. Just don't take it out on them. Atleast speak nicely ask them if you want them to hear your problems if they don't thats okay because just think of the other people in the world that are having much much worse problems in the world than you. I'm not trying to be mean here in anyway I'm just warning you that I do hurt sometimes I don't show it at all I smile I hide stuff and you don't even know it. " Happiness can only be real when shared" You don't know me and I don't know you. Lets keep it that way. Lets act as if we never met.. like were strangers I don't want problems and you don't either so lets stay a great distance from each others personal life. I'm terribly sorry we had to end it this way but...it's just not working out Celine...I'm very sorry. So lets be strangers arraso? :)~You long lost ex-bestfriend.
shining_writer #3
I used to feel this way.

Except that I wanted to lose my memory so I can forget the bad things.