Someone kill this mofo...

Please do not read the whole thing. Unless you have no life and want to know more about me.. Then you are welcome to read the whole thing...

Basic -

1. Name?: Maureen
2. Birthdate?: December 14th 1995.. and yes I know that's in four days.
3. Current Location: ....USA....
4. Eye Color: Dark Brown
5. Hair Color: Dark brown
6. Height: Five foot five and a half.
7. Zodiac Sign: The really long one that starts with an S.
8. Ethnicity: African-American
9. Single or Taken?: Single.
Have You ever.. -
10. Drank?: Not enough to do damage..
11. Smoked?: Second hand, not my fault.
12. Skinny Dipped?: Should I?
13. a 9 volt battery?: Sounds like the stupidest thing ever...
14. Made a prank phone call?: Many...
15. Been in a beauty pageant?: Nah brah..
16. Thrown up in public?: Nope
17. Worn a crown?: Yeah.
18. the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: I don't think your CD would work after that...?
19. Been on a blind date?: Nope
20. Caught a fish?: I tried.... and failed.
21. Been in love?: Nope.
22. Thought your cousin was hot?: .....Nah
23. Slept past noon?: Nope
24. Taken a shower with the opposite ?: Nope
25. Danced in front of your mirror?: Hahaha...
26. Been dumped?: Nope
27. Been arrested?: Thank goodness no...
28. Made out with a stranger?: Sounds sketchy.
29. Seen someone die?: On TV... that count?
30. Kissed a picture?: Bahahaha... I don't think so.
31. Slept in the opposite 's bed?: Yeah
32. Made a snow angel?: Yes
33. Cheated while playing a game?: Yes
34. Felt an earthquake?: Yes... Craziest thing ever!
35. Touched a snake?: Yeah.. gross.
36. Sang karaoke?: Yes
37. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: Yes...
38. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?: Yes
39. Kissed in the rain?: Silly! That's only in movies...
40. Sung in the shower?: Yesss.
41. Sat on a roof top?: Yes
42. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: I pushed someone else in the pool with their clothes on...
43. Broken a bone?: Nope
44. Laughed so hard you cried?: All day e'reday.
45. out from drinking?: I don't drink.
46. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?: Yes? Most likely anyways
This or that -
47. Blind or deaf?: Blind... I love music!
48. Horror or comedy?: Horror
49. Bungee jumping or sky diving?: BOTH!
50. Sunny or rainy?: Rainy AND Sunny...
51. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
52. Night or day?: Night.
53. Looks or personality?: I'm going to say personality so people don't think I'm a shallow person...
54. Coffee or tea?: MOCHA! Oh.... awks...
55. Hot or cold?: Hot! Hot! Hot!
Do You.. -
56. Smoke?: No.
57. Drink?: No
58. Do drugs?: Prescribed ones.
59. Fall in love easily?: No.
60. Like thunderstorms?: Sure
61. Dance in the rain?: Once...
62. Wish on stars?: Rarely
63. Believe in fate?: Nope.
64. Believe in love at first sight?: Never
65. Have tattoos?: No
Can you.. -
66. Cook?: Sure
67. Whistle?: Yup
68. Curl your tongue?: Yeah
69. Touch your nose with your tongue?: No
70. Speak another language?: Yes
And more -
71. Favourite word?: Hmm.... I don't know. I've been saying por qué alot and annoying the hell out of people
72. Favourite flower?: Tulip
73. Favourite colour?: Purple
74. What color is your underwear right now?: Don't know.
75. Would you ever get plastic surgery?: Nah
76. What is your favorite Holiday?: My birthday... and Christmas
77. What is your worst habit?: My nervous habits: biting my lip and nails..
Opposite -
78. Hair colour?: Dark
79. Eye colour?: Any... but I really like blue eues...
80. First thing you notice about them?: Their smile and teeth.. Weird...
Confession Challenge.

[X] Talked back to a teacher.
[X ] Been kicked out of a class.
[X ] Worn your pajamas to school.
[] Had your tooth fall out during school.
[X] Gotten yourself lost in your school.
[X] Broken the dress code in your school.
[] Completely and utterly failed a test.
[X] Left your class without asking anybody.
[ ] Missed a whole week of school for something stupid.
[ ] Thrown up your lunch in school.

[] Argue with your parents a lot.
[X] Argue with your brother[s] a lot.
[X] Argue with your sister[s] a lot.
[X] Do your own laundry.
[X ] Cook dinner once in a while.
[X] Are loud and obnoxious at home.
[X] Wear pajamas when you are not going to go anywhere
[] You sleep in very long.
[X] All you do is watch television/go on the internet.
[ ] Your parents are divorced.
[] Your family makes you cry a lot.
[ ] One or both of your grandparents live with you.
[ ] You can’t stand being with your parents.

[X] You currently dislike one or more of your friends.
[ ] You are jealous of one or more of your friends.
[] You have known a friend your whole life.
[] Your friends are all taller than you.
[X] You have been ditched by a friend.
[ ] You have memorized a friend's phone number.
(X] You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number.
[X] You have been to most of your friends houses.
[X] You love most of your friends.

[X ] You bite your nails.
[ ] You have an odd obsession with knives.
[X ] You cannot sleep with the door closed.
[ ] You cannot sleep with the door open
[X] There is at least one sound you cannot stand.
[ ] You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers
[X] You are good at telling lies.

[] You currently like/love someone.
[] You want to kill one of your exs.
[X ] You can’t stay committed for an unusually long time
[X ] You get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily.
[ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you self-centered before.
[] Your ex has dumped you for another girl.

[X ] You hate George Bush.
[X] Abortion is horrible and should be illegal.
[X] Gay marriage is fine by you. (Legalize it already! GOSH.)
[X] Boys make better friends than girls do. (sometimes)
[ ] Pink is an ugly color.
[ ] Needles aren’t so horrible.
[ ] Human flesh tastes like fine aged veal.
[X] You have plenty of secrets.

[X] Fallen up the stairs.
[X] Had your shoelaces tied together.
[ ] Had a nail fall off.
[ ] Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul. (how does that happen?"
[X] Slapped someone across the face.
[] Killed someone.
[ ] Worn something inside out for a whole day



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HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY!!! I will try to remember to post a happy birthday on your wall ^^