❝ Amorous ❞ Application → Kim Jung Hee

"We are Amorous!"


catch me if you wanna

Name: Karen or anything you want =))
Activeness: 9/10

y, free, and single

Character's name: Kim Jung Hee

*Nickname(s)Jung-Jung || Called by: Kim Jonghyun

                                                               Reason: He knows that Jung Hee hates it everytime he uses that nickname. Being an older brother who loves to tease his beloved dongsaeng, he always calls her by that nickname especially on public places (mostly inside SME Building)

                                    Jungie || Called by: Family (except Jonghyun)  and Friends

                                                      Reason: This is a cute shortcut of her name. They find it suiting for her especially for her short height.

                                    Baby Girl || Called by: Choi Sulli

                                                         Reason: They just randomly made it up when they became best friends. It's what they call each other. ( The fans who ships the two of them goes wild when they call each other that way. )

Date of Birth / Age: February 20, 1995 || 17 years old

Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea


Ethnicity: Korean

Languages known: Korean || Native

                                             English || Fluent || She studied on New York for 3 years. ( Middle School || 11-13 years old ) 

                                            Japanese and Chinese || Basic

every day i make history

Personality: Kim Jung Hee is a happy-go-lucky girl who never left the house without a smile on her face. Smiling and laughing is a must for her. If she ever have problems, she doesn't show it on her face and never brought her personal issues on work. Her personal problems are always locked in her room for her to solve on her own. You can always find her with her big circle of friends while she laughs hysterically and smiling brightly. She's very funny and it's easy to make her laugh. Even though she's very cheerful she doesn't know how to comfort people who are upset especially when they're crying. 

She's also very sweet and loving. Her family and friends are the most precious people to her. She loves them more than anything. She's very clingy and sweet to her friends. Just like her brother, she loves skinship since that's when she feels very close to other people. Well, she only does those things to the people she's very close to. She's also kind of possessive with her friends but it's not too much that it might annoy people. It's really normal since she loves them so much. She tends to do cute things when she is jealous (like sulking cutely. yeah, those stuffs.)

She also loves her fans so much because she believes that if they don't exist, she would just be a nobody in the entertainment world. She's the most excited one when they have fan meetings and fan signings. If she can, she likes to meet all her fans to give each one of them a sweet thank you and to tell them how much she loves them.

She may look like a cute and innocent girl but she is definitely not. She usually does naughty stuffs like for example, playing pranks on her friends. Of course, her number one partner-in-crime is no other than Kim Jonghyun. She also playfully flirts with her close friends just to get their hilarious and unexpected reactions. She also likes to tease them but she will always make sure she'll not go overboard. Once she knows that she already offended them, she'll say sorry again and again like her life is depending on it until she will be completely forgiven.

She's also very hardworking and passionate about her work. Once she performs, she'll throw away her real attitude and will be on character. She's very active when it comes on recordings, trainings, and practices. In their dorm, she's always trying to help the other members on cooking and doing the household chores but she's always shooed away by them. Since she doesn't know how to do them, she's just making things worst. If she took a step inside the kitchen, she'll be immediately be stopped by her co-members since they know that there's a big possibility that she might burn down their dorm.

She doesn't get mad and offended easily but once she reached her very limit, she'll turn into a different person. That usually happens when someone force her to wake up. She hates it with passion. She also hates it when people insult her family and friends. But those two things are the only things that will make her irritated very easily. She's very well-tempered so she getting mad happens rarely.

She's kind of paranoid as well. She easily gets scared. She doesn't like watching horror movies and seeing scary stuffs because that would be engraved in her mind and will not be able to sleep peacefully. When she's alone in the dark, she can't help but to think scary thoughts. She's also afraid of the lightning and deep waters.

Being the youngest in her family, she's kind of spoiled. She is used to get whatever she wants. She tends to force others, especially her oppa, cutely to buy her something she likes and she will only give up after doing her best aegyos and forcing skills for a long time and that person is not affected by it at all. The problem is, all of them fall for her cute forceful aegyos so she always ends up getting what she likes. But once someone gave her a decent and reasonable excuse why she couldn't get it, she'll eventually understand. ( not easily though )

It also takes her forever just to prepare herself. A 45-minute shower is her fastest not to mention that she'll still take an hour or two just to choose an outfit for the day and to fix her hair and makeup. She will also always try a lot of clothes and redo her hair and make-up a lot of times, before she is completely satisfied. That's how much she loves fashion. Fashion is a huge part of her life. She can make any styles and clothes suit her.

Family background: Her family is well-off since his father is a very successful business man and her mother is a fashion designer whose works are well-known. Since her father is always away from work, she's not very close to him but that never lessen the love she has for him. When his father goes home, she doesn't know how to start a conversation with him that's why they rarely talk. Her father is the one who approaches her first and tries his best to have more time with her. Jung Hee appreciates all his effort but it's just that she's too shy to approach him. She's very close with her mother since she's always with her. They usually bond when they are doing fashion related stuffs. She and her brother were always inseparable since they we're children. Wherever Jung Hee is, Jonghyun was there to watch over her. It's so obvious that they care and love each other so much. 

Jung Hee and Jonghyun both studied in a music school ( except for middle school for Jung Hee but she studied there again when she's already in high school ) and both of them receive special lessons for singing, dancing and for their other interests. Both of them really have an easy and fun-filled life.

When she became 11 years old, their family decided to let her go with her father to New York. Her father will do business there for a few years so it means she have to continue her studies there. Jung Hee was reluctant at first but her mother somewhat convinced her to go with him. She said that it will improve their relationship and will bring them closer. Jung Hee eventually agreed at the end and went with her father. Jonghyun, being the emotional boy he is, cried his heart out when he sent Jung Hee off. When he found out about it for the first time, he locked himself in his room and sulked. 

As Jung Hee started her new life in New York, she started to get used with their language and culture but she never forgot about her own native language and culture as well. She studied there for 3 years and gained new friends too. For staying there for three years she somewhat gotten close to her father but not as close as her mother. His father still went out to go to work but they had more quality time than before.

After finishing her middle school, Jung Hee decided to go back to Seoul. She came back on her own since his father stayed for a few months to finish his works. Upon arriving, Jonghyun practically crushed her in his tight embrace. He also shared a good news to her. He's a trainee in SME and will already debut soon. He told her to audition as well. She quickly agreed since she loves to perform especially singing and dancing. She auditioned and gave her best. After a few weeks she got a call from SME saying that she's an official trainee. Starting from that day she and her brother started their great adventure in the entertainment world.

One of her unforgettable memories is when she was 6 years old in an amusement park. She always loves to go to the amusement park especially with her family. She and an 11-year-old Jonghyun rode a carousel but as they exited the ride, they got separated due to the huge crowd. All little Jung Hee could do was to sit on a nearby bench and to cry her eyes out. She just sat there and hugged her pink teddy bear while calling "JONGHYUN OPPA!" again and again. Suddenly a kid ( love interest ) who was a year or two older than her appeared. He just stared at her and asked why she is crying. She was not able to give a reply instead her cry became louder. The boy said that he'll dance for her so she'll stop crying. He started to dance and Jung Hee started to calm down a little as she was amazed by the way the boy moves his body. But what captured her the most was his huge smile across his face as he dance and as if it's the best feeling ever. After he was done, he asked her again why she was crying and then Jung Hee told him that she's lost. The boy comforted her by giving her his ( banana milk for Taemin ; bubble tea for Kai ) while saying that she should stop crying. She took it and thanked him shyly.

In a few seconds, Jonghyun arrived while panting and has tears on his eyes. He hugged Jung Hee and apologized again and again. When she looked behind her the boy was gone. She was disappointed because she was not able to ask his name. But whoever he is, he was the one who made her pursue her love for singing and dancing even more. Jung Hee only told this story to Sulli and no one else, not even her family.

After meeting the boy in the amusement part, Jung Hee started to attend singing lessons together with her brother. She also had dancing lessons (ballet, jazz and hiphop). At home his brother taught her how to play the piano and guitar. Since 6 years old she started to persue music and arts and she's still loving music more up to now.


  • Clothes, Shoes, Bags, Accessories.
  • Fashion
  • Nail Art
  • Photography
  • Her gadgets ( especially her phone, laptop and earphones )
  • Music
  • Starbucks Coffee's Dark Mocha Frappucino
  • Anything pink and cute
  • Milk ( any kind ). She always have milk on her breakfast.
  • Chips
  • Sweets and cold beverages ( especially ice cream )
  • Amusement parks and the rides. She enjoys rides a lot but she can't help but to shriek as she rides one.
  • Children. They always have a soft spot in her heart. She finds them lovable and adorable. Whenever she's around kids, she'll turn like a very loving and caring umma.
  • Music Box
  • Fashion magazines
  • Doing and shooting their MVs, CFs, etc.
  • Having photoshoots
  • Guesting and attending on variety shows and gag concerts
  • Doing fan signings and fan meetings
  • Travelling
  • Eating especially foods that are new to her
  • Performing on stage
  • Parties and celebrations
  • Stars. She loves how they twinkle and it mesmerizes her


  • Bothering her beauty sleep. She hates it when she is forced to wake up early in the morning especially because of a senseless reason. When this happens, her mood is really cranky and she is experiencing headache. She'll be back to normal after taking a shower.
  • Jonghyun calling her "Jung-Jung". If he does that, she usually calls him back as "Jjong-Jjong" with an irritated voice.
  • Cooking. She can't cook at all. 
  • Doing house chores
  • Frogs. Whenever she sees one, she can feel a sick feeling on her stomach which makes her disgusted. Upon seeing them, she'll scream out while going to a high place where she is sure that they won't reach her.
  • Cockroaches. When she sees one, she'll scream out and run for her life.
  • People who has no fashion sense at all
  • People who backstab their friends
  • People who keep on rushing her.
  • Sports. She's not really good at it.
  • Horror and scary stuffs
  • Lightning
  • Deep Waters
  • Dark places
  • Being alone
  • Warm drinking water. She somewhat unexplainably gets a sick feeling in the stomach when she drinks warm water.
  • Upset and crying people
  • Gloomy atmosphere


  • Shopping
  • Giving others a makeover and doing her member's disguises and airport fashion
  • Sketching designs of clothes
  • Taking selcas and pictures and then she'll post it to her Twitter and me2day account to keep her fans updated.
  • Editing photos or videos. It's usally a hilarous one.
  • Singing and Dancing
  • Doing contests with Jonghyun
  • Hanging out with her friends
  • Reading fanfics
  • Surfing the net
  • Listening to music
  • Watching dramas, movies, variety shows with her friends when she has free time
  • Playing in arcades, boardgames and video games
  • Writing song lyrics
  • Imitating things she finds amusing and funny


  • She sleeptalks and keeps on squirming around when sleeping. It causes her to take up the whole space of the bed and ends up falling down on the floor sometimes. Her clothes usually becomes misplaced too.
  • When she just woke up no one can talk to her properly since she'll either give an answer which is not connected to the topic at all or the words will not easily sink in her mind that's why she couldn't give a reply other than "huh?"
  • Her eyes keeps on moving around and she keeps on fidgeting the hem of her clothes whenever she lies.
  • She bites or her lips, pouting, and runs her fingers through her hair when she is bored or nervous.
  • She ruffles her hair and groans loudly when she's frustrated or irritated.
  • Sleeping with a pillow she can hug and with a dim light on.
  • She praises herself in front of the mirror before going out. It's her way of boosting up her confidence and trust to herself.
  • When standing up, she keeps on rocking back and forth on her heels. She can't stand still.
  • She claps her hand and stomps her feet when she's laughing very hard. She even suddenly sits down when she is laughing while standing up. It's hard for her to contain her laughter. She's always throwing a fit.
  • Listening to music before sleeping. If not, she will not be able to sleep peacefully.
  • Drinking milk before going to sleep because if she doesn't it will be hard for her to sleep. She'll keep on craving for it.
  • Her pinky is raised whenever she is holding something. (water bottle, microphone, etc.)
  • Having a pillow or stuffed toy with her when watching a horror movie in their house/dorm. She uses it to cover her face when the scary part comes in.
  • She sings and dances (sometimes even acts) when she's taking a shower.
  • She smirks whenever she's performing on stage especially when dancing. It's a sign that her confidence is at its highest level.
  • Giving goodbye kisses on the cheeks with a warm hug to her family and friends before they part ways.
  • When she's sleeping while sitting down (mostly when in cars) she'll lean on the shoulder of the person beside her and will warp her arms around his/her arm. It's her way to find comfort.
  • When she's bored, she usually plays with the person beside her. She will poke him/her ( usually on the cheeks ) or play with his/her hair.
  • When she's sleepy, she slaps her cheeks lightly to wake herself up while huffing.


  • She's the smallest artist in SME and she's not ashamed of it.
  • She was supposedly to debut as one of F(x) members but SME thinks she's still too young back then and been only on training barely a year so instead she got replaced by Jung Krystal.
  • When she was still a trainee she was already involved in a scandal. It's kind of ridiculous because she was rumored to be Jonghyun's ( he's already an idol) girlfriend. She didn't appear in public during that time so they didn't know her yet. The rumor started when the two of them were seen together while going out the SME building. His arm was warped around her shoulder and he was carrying her bag. The pictures and articles were all over the net. After hearing the news, Jonghyun posted a selca with Jung Hee on his Twitter and me2day account with a hilarious caption saying, "Meet my girlfriend ahem... I mean my SISTER! kekeke~" With that and along with SME's statement, the issue was cleared up.
  • (This will only happen after her debut so it's up to you, author-nim, if you will include it or not) Her first dating rumor as a new SME artist was with a F(x) member and her best friend, Choi Sulli. They were seen together inside a mall and were holding each other's hand as they did their shopping spree. They were also seen on the parking lot and they even shared a goodbye kiss in the cheeks before parting ways. During interviews, they were always asked about this. They answered it honestly and explained it with fits of laughter. They said that it was really a ridiculous scandal because they are only best friends who are very sweet with each other. Because of this issue, the two of them do fanservice as they do skinships and playfully flirting with each other. They even have a pairing called "SuHee"
  • Just like her oppa, she can sing 3 high notes or sometimes even 4 ( sometimes even more ). She just doesn't do it always since it may cause damage to and voice.
  • For her, changing hair color is completely fine but never cut it short. She loves her long hair too much. If she needs to have a short hair, she will just wear a wig.
  • Her oppas (male SME artist) love to carry her on their shoulders and then ran around especially during concerts and shows. They do it because they want her to see the world in a "higher perspective".
  • Her celebrity crush is Yesung of Super Junior. So when she had the chance to finally meet Super Junior along with Yesung, she was very shy and blushing madly as she talked to him. She acted completely opposite of her cute hyper talkative self. She got a lot of teasing from her friends especially her brother because of that.
  • She and Jonghyun usually do a contest of their own everytime they are together during their free time. Both of them will compete against each other to know who has a higher vocal range. Other SME artists usually hear them singing pitches which become higher and higher. They usually do it when they are waiting in the dressing room and sometimes on the backstage. Jung Hee is usually the one who wins.
  • She has a pink polaroid camera. She takes a lot of pictures and will post them on a wall in her room. She created a collage of her memories.
  • She performs as if she's in a concert when she's taking a shower. Her voice can be clearly heard when she sings.
  • Just like her other best friend, Key, she can easily memorize a dance routine but of course not as fast as Key. Maybe after watching it 3 times, she can do it perfectly. But unlike Key, she can easily memorize and dance the choreography of boy groups than girl groups. But she can dance and memorize both very well. She's like the counterpart of Key.
  • Her body is very flexible especially her hands.
  • She's good in doing quick sketches and editing pictures or videos. She shares her works on her Twitter and me2day account for her fans to enjoy it as well. Her usual victim in her edits is her oppa and the pictures are mostly hilarious.
  • Even though the rest of the group members are wearing flats, she's still wearing heels.
  • She always have a nail art. It usually changes based on the theme of their songs or on the events they are attending.
  • She can do a deep manly voice and has a very adorable baby voice. She's very cute when doing baby talks and sounds like a guy when using her deep voice.
  • People say that she has the best airport fashion among the group.
  • She sometimes reads fanfiction when she has time. She's curious about what the fans want to happen and thinks. Once she read a fanfic with Sulli about the two of them. While reading, they can't help but to laugh a bit since they know it's impossible. They sometimes playfully enact the scenes ( mostly the romantic and sweet ones ) and then they'll burst into laughing. That's where they usually get the fanservice they are doing.
  • She has a very contagious laugh.
  • She loves to eat but she never gained weight and never get fat.
  • She drowned and nearly died during her eight birthday. She accidentally got pushed when she was playing around with her friends. Ever since then, she is afraid to go near to deep waters. She can handle going down on a pool as long as it's not deep and the water only reaches up to her shoulders. Once it reaches her neck, she'll start to freak out.
  • When there's a mistake that happens in their group ( on shootings, interviews, photoshoots, etc. ) she's the first on to laugh and the last one to stop. So in behind the scenes she's the one who always laughs hysterically. On stage performances, she tries her best to suppress her laughter when someone makes a mistake. She hides it with a smile. She even laughs at herself so much whenever she does a mistake.
  • She's good on writing song lyrics. She used to help his brother to write songs for his old band and also for SHINee ( she still helps him up to now. ) She has a big contribution on her group when it comes on song writing.
  • When writing her autograph and message, below it she draws a smiley that looks like a pixie with a sweet massage for the receiver saying, "Always Smile~"
  • She's usually called as "small but terrible" by her family, friends and fans. Terrible in a good way. It''s because of her amazing talents that you wouldn't believe that it all came out from the small body of hers.
  • When Jonghyun cries because he or SHINee won an award, she laughs at him instead of comforting him.After calming down, that's when she will start to somewhat cheer him up. She uses her killer aegyos while saying "Oppa~ don't cry." very cutely.


dazzling girl!

Ulzzang: Park Hye Min || Pony

Pictures: | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 | | 12 | | 13 | | 14 | | 15 |

Back up ulzzang: Kang Su Ra

Pictures: | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10  | | 11 | | 12 | | 13 | | 14 | | 15 |

Height: 157 cm ( you can still make her shorter if you think that it's not enough to make her as the smallest artist )

Weight: 45 kg

Blood type:  Type AB

StyleBeing a fashionista she is, Jung Hee never gets out of her room without looking good enough to satisfy herself. She's doesn't go for simple fashion statements so a simple 't-shirt and jeans' is so not her style. She loves to do mix n match and some layering until she loves her final look. Of course, her beloved heels is always included in her daily fashion. She loves the way how people are amazed by her great fashion sense but still she always makes sure that she wears appropriate dress for the occasion and the place. She also makes sure that she doesn't get over the top. 


She doesn't have any particular style. She can be girly, boyish, badass, etc., whenever she wants to. She just wears whatever she likes but she makes sure that it will be appropriate and not overboard. She loves to do a lot of mix 'n' match and to do layering.


When attending a formal event, (awarding, etc.) she prefers to wear cocktail dresses or mini-dresses than gowns. She can move easier when she's wearing those unlike the floor-length ones. When wearing cocktails/mini-dresses, she can play with it a lot and can flaunt her amazing shoes. Plus, she doesn't have to worry about tripping anytime.


During practices, she always wears comfortable clothes wherein she can move freely since practicing and training requires a lot of movements especially on dance practices. She also wears stylish clothes since other people will see her too especially when SME uploads their dance practice videos and when they're doing stage rehearsals while already having audiences. She needs to look at her best.


She enjoys wearing cute pajamas especially the ones with very adorable designs.


  • Dorm: ( I won't be able to provide hyperlinks since it's hard to find pictures that would match )

In dorms, she wears simpler clothes like oversized shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, or hoodies and she'll match it with a pair of shorts or sweatpants. She wears comfortable ( mostly made from cotton ) and simple clothes but still stylish. She wants to look good always because she doesn't know when someone suddenly barged in and see her. You know, for variety shows, etc.



Extras: She has a same black round piercing as her brother, Kim Jonghyun. She has one on each of her ears.

                    She's always wearing a necklace with a pixie pendant. It was given by her parents as a congratulatory gift for her when she's an official trainee of SME. It's also her source of her inspiration and her very own lucky charm. Ever since she recieved it a lot of positive things happen to her.

                    She has a pink forget-me-knot ring on her right ring finger. Sulli also has the same ring. So some of their fans misunderstand it as their couple ring even though it's really just their friendship ring.

what is love

Family: Kim Dae Jung | 47 | Businessman | Father | Alive | He's very busy with work but still doing his best to give more time to his family especially for Jung Hee. He loves it everytime he saw his children happy. He's very protective when it comes on Jung Hee. He's not fond of the idea of boys getting too familiar with her. That's why he entrusted her to her oppa, Jonghyun. He's not very showy with his real feelings so he sometimes deny it even though it's so obvious. Example, when he is jealous because he doesn't get their attention but other people does. It's obvious that he's bothered by it but he still denies it.| Close

                       Kim Hwa Young | 45 | Fashion Designer | Mother | Alive | She's a very loving and caring umma. She's very supportive and sweet to her children. She acts like a mom and a best friend at the same time. She likes it when her children doesn't keep too much secrets to her but she still respect their privacy and doesn’t force them to spill it out when she knows they're not yet ready to talk about it. She's very supportive especially for her children's career in the entertainment world. She's a very cool mom. | Very Close

                       Kim Jonghyun | 22 | SHINee | Older Brother | Alive | He's the protective and sweet oppa. He likes to tease Jung Hee so much but that's his way to act sweet around her. When she got irritated so much to him, he'll immediately beg for forgiveness ( mostly in a cute way ). It's very obvious that he really cares and loves her. He is also trying his best not to spoil his dongsaeng but he just can't resist it when she uses her secret tactic which involves her killer aegyo. | Inseparable

Best friendsChoi "Sulli" Jinri | 18 | F(x) | She's like her twin sister. Very sweet and fun to be with. She practically knows everything about Jung Hee, from positive to negative things, and vice versa. She can easily sense it if Jung Hee is troubled or not. | The two of them knew each other even when they were still trainees but never talked to each other. Jung Hee finds Sulli imitating so she doesn't speak with her. One day, Jung Hee saw Sulli alone in the practice room and as if she's looking for something. She hesitantly went to her and helped her to find her contact lenses. After that, Sulli thank her and asked if she wants to go to the mall with her since both of them have nothing to do. Jung Hee reluctantly agreed and then during the time they were together, they knew about each other a lot. Their impressions about each other changed and ever since that day they were inseparable. Both of them were really disappointed when they didn't debut in the same group.

                                 Kim "Key" Kibum | 21 | SHINee | The most naggy and most caring best friend. He always thinks about what is good for Jung Hee. | It was on a shopping mall and both of them were just trainees back then. Jung Hee just got in the SME that time while Key was preparing for their debut. Both of them grabbed the same pink shirt which is unfortunately the last pair. At first they started to fight over it but Key eventually gave up and let her have it. Key was suddenly surprised when he saw Jonghyun approaching the girl. That's when Jonghyun started to introduce her as his dongsaeng. After that, Key and Jung Hee often see each other inside the company and started to become close.

FriendsPark "Luna" Sun Young | 19 | F(x) | The lovable unnie. She really finds every action of Jung Hee as the most adorable thing in the world. She is Jung Hee's number 1 fangirl. She loves to pamper her a lot. | During the trainee days. Jung Hee was introduced to her by Sulli.

                        Lee "Onew" Jinki | 23| SHINee | He's very caring and responsible oppa. He's the one who helped Jung Hee the most when she got in the entertainment world. He's the one who gave her tips and reminders about her job. He also helps her improving her talent in singing. He even gave her great advices when it comes on her work as well as her personal life.| Introduced by Jonghyun.

                        Choi Minho | 21 | SHINee | He's like another protective oppa. He's the one who watches over Jung Hee when Jonghyun's not around. He's also the one who always plays with her. He likes to about their huge height difference and he's always the one who often carry Jung Hee on his shoulder. He is also trying his best to make her love sports. | Introduced by Jonghyun.

*RivalsJung Krystal | 17 | F(x) | She's spoiled. What she wants, she'll definitely get it no matter how. She's willing to do anything just to get what she desire the most. She also loves attention. That's why she decided to become and artist, so that she can get lots of attention and love from others. She loves to be praised and for others to give their full attention to her. | Since she is somewhat like an 'replacement' for Jung Hee as a member of F(x), she sees Jung Hee as a huge threat to her career. Now that she debuted, she started to despise her and at the same time felt threatened even though Jung Hee is not doing anything to her. She loves her career too much, that's why she doesn't want Jung Hee to steal the spotlight from her. But now, she started to get other's attention which was once belongs to Krystal. Not to mention that Jung Hee also got the attention of the boy who Krystal likes (love interest). She also thinks that Jung Hee only got in because of her brother, Jonghyun.

electric shock!

Love interestLee Taemin | SHINee | He's very playful and childish. He doesn't act like his age at all. He loves to smile and to laugh and as much as possible he doesn't want people to see him crying. He's very well-tempered so he handles things calmly and doesn't let anger take over him. When he's mad he'll just take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm himself down. But he getting mad rarely happens. He's also generous that he's willing to give up what he wants for others. He's very polite especially on his sunbaes. He's very shy on strangers but he will show his true self as he gets closer to them. When with his friends, he's really all out. He'll laugh out loud and even do something ridiculously funny. He also loves to tease each and everyone of them. He may look innocent but he clearly is not. He doesn't know how to do any household chores at all. He might be quite narcissistic sometimes since he likes it when he is praised and he even praises himself. But it's not in an annoying way, it's actually cute and funny. He can also easily deceive s when he wants or hides something.

When performing the cute little boy is gone he'll be someone who looks so matured and mesmerizing. As soon as the spotlights turn off, he'll be back to his usual child-like self. He's very passionate about work especially on dancing. Dancing is his first love and it will always be a part of his life. It is where he finds happiness and satisfaction. He's also very kind and loving to his fans. He knows that he's not in his place right now, without them. He cares for his hoobaes a lot that's why he tries his best to be a great help for them. He's very confident on what is he doing, that's why when he does a mistake on stage, it doesn't look obvious at all. It's as if he is doing a solo dance. He's also a perfectionist. He practices very hard that's why he always ends up getting exhausted at the end of the day.

He's very loving and caring to his family and friends. He doesn't like it when something bad happens to them. He treasures them the most.

How did you two meet:  Jonghyun introduces Jung Hee to him after the ridiculous scandal between him and Jung Hee. He smiled at her and that made Jung Hee's heart to skip a beat. It's not because she was dazzled by him, it was because that smile is very familiar to her but she just can't recall where and when she saw it. Both of them started to get along fine especially because their first love is to dance and sing.

How do you act around him?:  Close Friends || He and Jung Hee knows each other for a long time already that's why they are pretty close. He always believed on her talent ever since she was a trainee, that's why he's very happy and proud of her when he found out that she'll finally be able to debut. Being a playful guy he is, he loves to tease Jung Hee a lot especially about her height. He's also the only guy who can play along with her when she does her weird hobby and also her weird form of teasing which is when she playfully flirts with him. He shamelessly flirts back and the two of them will end up gasping for air as they laugh so hard. He cares and loves ( as a friend... at first ;) ) her a lot but he tries his best not to show it even though it is so obvious already. He just keeps on denying it. He's sort of protective and possessive. He doesn't like it when strangers ( mostly boys ) gets too familiar and close to her. He also hates it when her full attention is not focused on him especially when he's talking or performing. He always tries his best to resist her when she asks something from him but he just can't. He's very concerned about her too, when he knows something is wrong, he'll panic and ask her right away. He also doesn't like it when she's alone because he'll always gets this feeling of uneasiness. He treats her as if she's princess. He tries his best to act not so obvious that he cares a lot but he obviously failed to do that. Although, he thinks that he's doing great job on hiding it even though he's clearly not. He also doesn't usually answer his phone but when Jung Hee is the one calling he answered it right away.

Jung Hee is very sweet to him. She's like that anyway to all of her friends. She's very comfortable around him and even though he keeps on teasing her, she'll just back. Once she tried to pretend that she's mad at him but she can't keep up with it since she can't resist him and can't stay mad at him for a long time. She still tries to do it but the results is still the same. Both of them are very cheerful so when they are together, they are always full of smiles and sweet laughter. Just like to all of her friends, she's quite clingy on him. She also show her concern for him by doing a lot of sweet things like giving him a water bottle after an intense performance. Then she'll wipe his sweat off and fixed his hair as he drinks his water. She even took care of him first than her own brother but Jonghyun doesn't mind at all because he can sense that there's something between them. She's very expressive about her feelings to him. She doesn't mind saying "I love you" to him. She's like that to all of her friends so she's just doing the same thing to him since he's also her close friend. When she's bored, she sometimes bother him when he's dancing since she loves to see his irritated face whenever she does that.

Both of them thinks that they are just close friends that's why they act that way but it's actually more. They just don't realize it yet. They both think that they treat each other just like how they treat their close friends but the people around them can definitely see that they treat each other extra special.

Back-up love interest:  Kim "Kai" Jongin | Exo / Exo-K | Same as Taemin =))

How did you two meet:  Same as Taemin =))

How do you act around him?:  Same as Taemin =))


everywhere i go, i twinkle
Stage NameJ-Hee || It's a shortened version of her name. Jung Hee is the one who suggested it since she finds it really cool and catchy.

Persona:  The Versatile Pixie || Versatile = All-around. Jung Hee has a lot of talents and skills which she can execute execellently.

                                                                   Pixie = A fairy-like creature. It suits her height.

Personal fanclub name:  Mini-J(s) || J = Jung Hee or J-Hee. Mini = her height.

                                                                                 Mini-J(s) becuase they are like her other 'version'.

Personal fanclub color:   KimJungHee || #ff0066 || Hot Pink

How did you get into SM?:  Auditioned

Years of training:  4 years and 8 months.

Position:  Jack Of All Trades || Main Vocal, Supporting Dancer

Training experience: The trainee days are great. She got lots of love and care from her unnies, oppas, and sunbaes. It was not really hard for her to get along with the other trainees and artists since she's very friendly and funny too. It was not hard and stressful for her even though the training was intense since she really loves what she is doing. She enjoyed every moment of it and was thankful because she met a bunch of great friends. She doesn't have problems on her training experience except for one. Jung Krystal. Without her knowing the reason, Krystal started to treat her coldly and seems like to hate her.

Predebut experience:  She's a model on some fashion magazines and clothing lines. Despite her height, she is very successful in her modelling career. It may be because of her good looks and figure and also her great sense of fashion. She also appeared on some dramas, CFs and MVs.

something for the queen?

Comments/suggestions/questionsCan I have a request? If I am chosen and Taemin is not Jung Hee's love-interest, can you make him as one of her friends instead? Kamsahamnida, author-nim! Good luck with your story and HWAITING!!! =))

PS: I'm also more than willing to take the other positions =))

Scene requestsWhen Jung Hee and the love interest found out that they love each other, they'll be like on a denial stage. They would talk to themself saying that it cannot be happening, it's impossible, etc. You know, those cute talking-to-self scenes. Also when Jung Hee found out that he's the boy from her past, it will happen on the same amusement park. Is it alright with you if it's in Lotte World?

That would be all author-nim, you can modify it and such. There rest, it's up to you. I do love surprises! =))



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