Eternal Gems, A Princess Academy Application

{ Moon Ae Ra }


Real You

Username:  velvets


Profile link:  Emerald


Le Princess 

Name:  Moon Ae Ra

Kingdom:  Palace of Esmaraldus

Ethnicity:  Korean

Languages You can Speak:

  • Korean ( Fluent )
  • English ( Fluent )
  • Mandarin ( Basic )

Age:  18


Birthday:  22nd May




People always thought that the Princess of Palace of Esmaraldus, Aera is a cold woman based on her look who look cold and unapproachable. Another reason why a lot of people misunderstand her probably because she also a strict person when it comes to work. When she didn’t like a presentation of her co – workers, she will asked them to redo their work and when they asked why, she simply point the part she dislike and said she didn’t like their ideas without elaborate to them. Compare to that, she actually a stricter person to herself. Has been learning about medicine since young, she has a wide knowledge of medicine and when it comes to work, she didn’t allow herself to make a mistake and when she did, she really hate it and force herself to redo it until she got it right without taking care of herself.


Not many people know the real her. She’s actually a nice, friendly and warm – hearted girl. She always care for her people’s health and always send  her butler to represent her to make a tour around her kingdom to check the condition of her people without anyone know. Only people who watched her growing know that she has a personality like a mother. When one of her maid look pale and saying that she’s feeling dizzy, she immediately ordered her to lay down on her bed and asked her butler to inform a chef to cook food for her and summon a doctor to check the maid’s health. While her butler do so, she give the maid some sweets and state that it’s probably because her sugar content is low and order her to rest for the whole day.


Despite being talked bad by her own people, she never offended by it because she know she never did anything to mingle with them. She also know how to defend herself as being a royalty means her life will be targeted by people who trying to bring Esmaraldus down. Even though people she has a good patience, once people bad – mouth her kingdom or really offend her, she will totally bring up her personality as a cold person with her hurtful comments and remarks to the point she humiliated the person who trigger her to do so.



  • Rain ( It is a symbol of cleansing and new life. She know in dreams it symbolise of cleansing your troubles and problem and She believes rain will clean people’s heart from hatred and give them new hope as well as a new chapter in their life. )
  • Giving advice ( She know people not only have physical disease but also emotionally. Even though she not sure whether people accept her advice completely or they asked her for it, she still did it and when people follow her advice, she really feels happy as she be able to help people. )
  • Sneakers ( Easy for her to walk around and much more comfortable than high heels. )
  • Reading ( It gives her knowledge and make her time wisely spend. )
  • Coffee ( Having a lot of responsibilities make her tired with a lot of work she need to do. Coffee gives her energy to completing her duty. )
  • Cats ( She has a cat as a pet since she was 5 until now. )
  • Driving ( It give her sense of freedom temporarily. )



  • Failure ( She hate when she fail doing something. )
  • Egoistic people ( It won’t give people any benefit from it. )
  • Dogs ( Allergic to its fur. )
  • Wasting time ( She prefer doing something that gives her benefit. )



  • Touching her ear after touching hot items ( e.g: hot cups )
  • When she happy or embarrassed, her ear twitches



Ulzzang Name:  Jang Hae Byeol

Pictures:   1   2   3   4   5   6


Back-Up Ulzzang Name:  Im Soo Yeon

Pictures:   1   2   3   4   5   6


How do you dress like?

  • Casual:   1   2   3   4   5   //   1   2   3   4   5
  • Formal:   1   2   3   4   5
  • Sleepwear:   1   2   3   4   5
  • Self – Study:    1   2   3   4   5
  • Dorms:   1   2   3   4   5
  • Others:
    • Sneakers:   1   2   3
    • Bracelet:   1  
    • Necklace:   1



Family Background:


            Being born in a kingdom that well – known in healing and medicine makes Aera learn to be a leader. When  her parents away with their duty, they didn’t forget to give Aera her homework. They had asked Aera to study about their kingdom since she was 5. Beginning with the kingdom’s history to the use of medicines. They also make Aera learn about herbs and remedies. At first, Aera felt uncomfortable with her parents demands. But it change when one of her personal maids show her the results of her parents work. With their newest medicine and consultant, many people were healed physically or emotionally. Seeing these, she made up her mind to study seriously without complaining to be like her parents.


            Aera is the first born child in her family. She has a brother who is 2 years younger than her. Even though they busy with their duty as a prince and princess, they still spend time together. They really cherish the time they spend together. Maybe because they understand the feeling of only be able to befriends the maids or butlers in the castle makes them closer than ever.



Family & Friends:


Moon Kangdae || 47 || Father || Alive || 24th Generation King of Palace of Esmaraldus || They always talk about medicines and a new way to offer their healing service to people without concerning their status. They also talk about a way to develop their kingdom for the better environment. Majority of the times, they talk about political stuffs with her brothers.


Moon Jira || 43 || Mother || Alive || 24th Generation Queen of Palace of Esmaraldus || Aera always consult her about mental and emotional illnesses as it’s her mother’s niche area. When her mother always want to talk to her about her future as she is in the age to married and have a child.


Moon Daeho || 17 || Brother || Alive || 24th Prince of Palace of Esmaraldus || They always talk about the future of Esmaraldus together as he will be the next King of Esmaraldus. They always spend time together with many activities like horse riding or playing chess.


Choi Sooyoung || 20 || Best Friend || Alive || Her personal maid || Sooyoung always entertain Aera with her jokes when Aera is done with her studies. Sooyoung also help Aera in terms of manner and fashion in order to not make Aera like a fool when she’s in front of people.



How you met your friend:


            They met each other when the head of the maid came to her room to inform her that the Queen had appointed someone to be her personal maid. When she saw Sooyoung came to the room, Aera asked why a young girl. Surprised by her question, the head is at loss of words. Seeing the situation, Sooyoung explained that the Queen did this in order to make her feel comfortable of having someone around her age by her side rather than adults. Aera like the way Sooyoung act. She’s not like any other maid who only keep quiet and didn’t answer her question. With this, Aera just nodded signalling that she understand her mother’s intentions.


Love Interest

Name:   Luhan


Kingdom: Dresvan Kingdom


Occupation:   Prince


Age:  22


Birthday:  April 20




            Friendly and talkative. That’s what he is. Luhan always greet people with smile without caring about their status. Luhan love to jokes around and he’s always visiting orphan. Either for work or he just simply want to play around the children. This what makes Luhan really fond of by his people.


            Around his parents, Luhan always appear serious. Mainly because they talk based on political issues. Sometimes Luhan will have fencing with his dad or go hunting together. This one mainly to see how accurate his archery without hurting the animals.


            There’s never any silence when Luhan with his friends. They always joking and playing around each other. His friends also help him in his work as they know the Dresvan Kingdom problem as they came from noble family or has work in the palace from young age.


            Luhan always make initiative when he met a stranger. Whether he started the conversation first or smile to them. Luhan also try to remember every faces he had met and he always try keep in touch with them.


            Luhan treats Aera like normal people. He never gives any special treatment to her. To him, everyone is same and everyone deserve same treatment. Luhan also treat Aera with upmost respect and he really values her opinions and suggestions. Luhan give off the aura of gentleman when he’s around Aera which make her the subject of envy to other girls.


How you guys met:


            They met each other when Luhan came to Esmaraldus under political work and personal work. Luhan came because Dresvan Kingdom wants to continue having Esmaraldus as medicine supplier for Dresvan Kingdom. Luhan also came to ask a few medical students from Esmaraldus to work at Dresvan as doctors or consultant when they graduate from university.


            As for personal work, Luhan came to ask for the best medicine for people who constantly injured themselves. This is the sake of Tao who always work under dangerous circumstances and he would like to have a duel with Daeho who is well-known with his fencing skills even though he’s still a young prince.


            They first make an eye contact when Aera heard the news of Luhan challenging Daeho from Sooyoung. Hearing that, Aera immediately  asked Sooyoung to bring her to fencing room. When they arrived at the front door, they bumped into Luhan who also want to enter the room. As usual, Luhan smile while gesturing them to enter first to Aera and Sooyoung leaving them questioning each other whether they know him.


His friends: EXO-M


How he dresses like:   1   2   3   4   5



Back-Up Love Interest Name:   Jung Daehyun


Kingdom:  Antaria Kingdom

Occupation:   Prince


Age:  19


Birthday:   June 28




            Daehyun is the type of people that speak whats on his mind. He never care about people’s feeling when he talks. Everyone’s first impression about him is he has a sharp tongue and really bold.


            He really respect his father on how he rule their kingdom. He always make a decision after he refer to his father for his work. However, he not on the good terms with the current queen as she is his step-mother. The king remarried after his first wife passed away due to illness.


            Daehyun didn’t really interact on people he just met. Mainly because he doesn’t know how to start a conversation. But it is different case if they meet based on work and not for private matter.


            The only people he can talk normally is when he’s with friends. They know the environment he grew up and how he acts during certain things which make them understand Daehyun better than anyone else.


            Daehyun really try his best when he wants to speak to Aera. He tried to not make fun of himself in front of her. He also the type that watch her from a distance and help her when she’s having a problem.


How you guys met:


            They met when they went to Aqua Marine Empire under the current King’s invitation to participate in one of their festivals. Both Aera and Daehyun went to represent their kingdom. Daehyun met Aera when he thought that Aera is one of the princesses in Aqua Marine Empire. Noticing that he had a slight misunderstanding, Aera correcting his mistake. Flustered by it, Daehyun keep apologizing to her even though Aera was fine by it.


His friends: B.A.P


How he dresses like:   1   2   3   4   5





Sorry that I take too long to apply this story. I don’t know if it’s okay for me to use another kingdom as the first meeting for Daehyun. Tell me if I had any mistake and I will correct it immediately


Password: Gemstone


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It's perfectly fine that you let Daehyun and Aera meet at a different kingdom. You made it make sense so it's okay. Please do not delete or private post this :)