Ah, These Idiotic Teenaged Feelings

So, I know I haven't written about my sort of "love life" in a while, but frankly, there's really nothing to say about it. I guess one could say that it's slowly disappearing. Well, not really, but more like the people that I thought I liked before are no longer the ones that I currently like. These teenaged feelings of mine that change so easily.


To put it simply, I don't like either of the boys that I said that I did before, the international boy or the one that is not international and was with me for the scavenger hunt. I don't like either of them anymore. I'm still friends with both of them, but the feelings disappeared. 


Of course I'm still friends with them, but it's just that I never really saw them that frequently since we kind of have different schedules. My schedules are closer with that of the non-international boy. But still, the one I liked more was the international boy, but because of our different schedules we never saw each other, hence my feelings for him disappeared.


However, because these are idiotic teenaged feelings that we're talking about here, in the process, I think I fell for someone else...


This other person isn't an international kid and is slightly on the very outgoing side, and he's slightly older. With the slightly older part, though, he isn't a year above me or anything. He's still a freshman, it's just the fact that he took some time off before resuming to college, but still, calculating age, he's about two and a half years older than I am, since I'm frequently the youngest in my grade.


Anyway, he lives on my floor. Not in my hallway, but in the half that I live on. The same group that I had to do the scavenger hunt with, as it was a grade and I'm part of this learning community, he's a part of it, too. We have math together next term and we had a couple of classes together this term. Through all of that...I think I'm starting to like him.


It's not like I can even explain it, but slowly, I think I'm starting to fall for him and sometimes I think that he likes me back, but then again because he is very outgoing, I'm not sure if that's just him being nice or not...


I do have a nickname for him, it's 'puppy' since he's always hyperactive like a little puppy. And then sometimes I pet his head. It's weird, I know, considering the fact that he's like two and a half years older than I am, but most people don't believe him when he says his age. That's how...I wouldn't say immature, but how childish he acts sometimes. It's really funny.


But even so, maybe it's not even feelings that I have for him. We're both adopted. Apparently that's not a fact that is well-known. Well, everyone knows that I'm adopted, but for him, I might be the only one that knows. Now one of my other friends, who also knows him, knows about him being adopted because I said something about it. But I think I was the only one and the only reason I knew about it was because I said something about being adopted and he just said that he was too. It wasn't anything on purpose, he just said it.


Maybe it's just the fact that I know another person, that's not in my family, that's adopted. Maybe I just feel some sort of connection with them. We make jokes all of the time together, well not all of the time but quite frequently, about being adopted. It's kind of those jokes that only adopted people can do because other people who aren't adopted would probably feel bad. An example goes like this:


"Hey, you're weird."

"Your mom is weird."

"So is your mom."

"I don't know my mom."

"Hey, I don't know my mom either."


That could be an example of what we would say to one another and we could still laugh because we know it's true. If we were to say that to anyone else, they wouldn't know what to expect or anything and frankly, I think they would be quite confused and not want to say anything that would hurt our feelings.


Still, despite all of that, I think I'm falling for him...


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Aw those kind of jokes are so cute I swear
it's nice because you two don't get offended at them and you two sound so cute.
Puppy aw :3
Maybe you are beginning to like him...see how it goes and later on tell me what happens!